Father-Son Moment Steals the Show: Bronny’s Reaction to LeBron’s Historic NBA Record

LeBron James had an unforgettable moment when he broke the NBA record for the most career points scored by a single player. His son captured the historic 14-foot fadeaway jumper that he drilled against the Oklahoma City Thunder on Tuesday.

After the game, a heartwarming scene was filmed in the locker room where the Lakers star laughed with his 18-year-old son Bronny before asking him to send the clip to his phone to keep as a memory. On the court, he celebrated by pointing high towards the ceiling of Crypto.com Arena and was joined by his teammates, family, and friends. To break Abdul-Jabbar’s 1989 record of 38,387 points, James needed to score 36 points, but he surpassed it with 38 points, seven rebounds, and three assists in a 133-130 loss.


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Bronny James proudly presented his father, LeBron James, with a video clip capturing the moment he broke the NBA scoring record. The father and son moment was heartwarming and showcased Bronny’s talent on the court.


James made history by scoring a 14-foot fadeaway with just 10.9 seconds remaining in the third quarter. He watched the replay of his record-breaking basket on his son’s phone post-game and exclaimed, “Oh, that’s tough! You got that saved? Send that to me. That’s funny.” Despite James’ lighthearted reaction, he appeared emotional during the game and even broke down in tears when interviewed during a timeout called by the Lakers bench shortly after his historic shot. He shared that he writes “The Man In The Arena” on his shoe every night, inspired by Theodore Roosevelt, and felt like he was sitting on top of the arena when the shot went in, with the crowd’s roar amplifying the moment.


As James called for a timeout, he lifted both his arms and gestured towards the ceiling of the Crypto.com Arena.


James celebrated his achievement of becoming the NBA’s all-time leading scorer with his family, and expressed uncertainty about whether he would be able to feel that same feeling again, except for making a game-winning shot during the Finals. The crowd chanted MVP as highlights from James’ 20-year career were displayed on the arena’s video board. James holds the record as the youngest player to reach each one-thousand-point milestone from 1,000 to 38,000, and is currently averaging 30.0 points per game this season, making him the oldest player to ever do so.


James was seen in a picture alongside NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and former Laker Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The photo was taken during an event where they were all present.

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