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Kyrie Irving is perhaps the finest ball handler in the NBA right now. He participated in eight All-Star games and won the NBA title. Have you ever questioned how a man like Kyrie Irving manages to cohabitate with a legendary NBA player?

I suppose you are done wondering.

The $750,000 residence owned by Kyrie Irving in Cleveland, Ohio’s Westlake district will be covered in this article.

Following his first-round selection by the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2011 NBA Draft, Irving shelled out $800,000 for a 5,500-square-foot home from former Cavalier Daniel Gibson and his wife Keyshia Cole. Until Irving forced Cleveland to trade him to the Boston Celtics, he would stay at this home.

The 5,500-square-foot home of Kyrie Irving is shown in the following pictures. Irving previously resided in a Cleveland estate with four bedrooms and six bathrooms. He has a basketball hoop in his living room, basketball rings outside his mansion, and other basketball-themed decorations. In addition, when he wasn’t shooting hoops, Irving probably spent his downtime in the mansion’s theater, home gym, or music studio. In Irving’s lavish home, the master bedroom is spacious, and the bathroom has a chic walk-in closet.

Nevertheless, Irving eventually sold the estate despite residing there throughout his peak. The NBA champion initially sold the Westlake mansion for $1.7 million back in 2017. Irving, however, made the terrible decision to sell the house for $755,000 after being unable to find a buyer.

While playing for the Brooklyn Nets, Irving usually escaped notice when he was in the center of issues off the NBA court because he was constantly traveling. In reality, Irving bought a $3.7 million property in Los Angeles, which sparked rumors that the NBA star and LeBron James were reuniting. However, as everyone is aware, the disgruntled star spent the winter in Brooklyn. During the midpoint of the 2022–2023 season, the NBA star was traded to the Dallas Mavericks.

However, as of right now, this is all we know about Kyrie Irving’s $750,000 home.

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