Free Meals and More: LeBron’s 5 Remarkable Promises to Support Low-Income Students

Thanks to the four-time NBA champion, LeBron James’ I Promise school has continuing to make an effect in Ohio. In 2018, the all-time great founded the school to assist impoverished children in getting back on track in the educational system.


As a child who missed school due to a lack of structure in his life, James understands how crucial it is to have someone keep you on track. LeBron James’ I Promise school, in conjunction with Akron Public Schools, has 534 children in grades 3-7 (U.S.) trying to better their education.

As he explained to hundreds of supporters, media members, and spectators at the school’s grand opening in 2018:

“I want people to understand that these children should still have the same opportunities as everyone else.” That is the most crucial thing. We have a responsibility as adults to continue to be the instructors, mentors, parents, coaches, life skills, and superheroes for these children.”

With that in mind, here are five astonishing aspects of LeBron James’ I Promise school.

Celebration of the Grand Opening of the I Promise School with LeBron James

#5 – After-school and summer programs

LeBron James’ I Promise school not only helps at-risk kids get back on track, but it also goes above and above to provide a’safe space’ for children. IPS is open until 5 p.m. in addition to regular school hours and includes after-school programs.


During the summer, the school organizes a seven-week camp to provide youngsters with an organized, safe environment in which to have fun with their friends.

#4 – Every student receives a bicycle.

While receiving a bike may not appear to be noteworthy, LeBron James has been quite vocal about how much his bike meant to him. As a result, the four-time NBA champion has made certain that every student at his school has their own bike.


#3 – Student laptop computers

In an internet-driven society, LeBron James’ I Promise School has ensured that its kids have access to the internet as well as their own laptop. Students can take their laptops home to complete schoolwork in addition to using them on the school’s Wi-Fi.


#2 – The promise is not limited to children.

LeBron James’ I pledge school isn’t just dedicated to getting kids back on track; their pledge also extends to students’ parents. IPS is aiming to improve the lives of their students’ parents through GED education and employment training.


#1 – Complimentary breakfast, lunch, snacks, and food bank

Given that many kids face financial insecurity at home, IPS has ensured that students have access to food both at school and at home. In addition to providing free breakfast and lunch to all kids, the school offers an on-site food bank.

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