Get Ready to Be Amazed: 20 Unreal Vertical Jumps in Volleyball

If you’re a volleyball player, then you know the importance of having a powerful vertical jump. Being able to jump high is not only impressive but can also give you a competitive edge in the game. In this article, we’ll showcase 20 unreal vertical jumps in volleyball that will leave you amazed and inspired to up your own game.

Let’s start with a classic, Ivan Zaytsev, who plays for Italy’s national team. His vertical jump is measured at 382cm, which is higher than the height of a standard volleyball net.

Next up is a well-known name in the volleyball world, Giba. He’s known for his explosive jump and his 355cm vertical jump is a testament to that.

Maxim Mikhaylov from Russia has a vertical jump of 382cm, which is just as high as Ivan Zaytsev’s.

Earvin Ngapeth from France has a vertical jump of 370cm, which is higher than the height of a basketball rim.

Matey Kaziyski from Bulgaria is a force to be reckoned with on the court. His vertical jump is measured at 385cm, which is higher than the height of a standard doorway.

Dmitry Muserskiy from Russia stands at an impressive 217cm and his vertical jump is measured at 364cm.

Wallace de Souza from Brazil has a vertical jump of 357cm and is known for his powerful spikes.

Klemen Cebulj from Slovenia has a vertical jump of 363cm and is a top scorer for his team.

Tsvetan Sokolov from Bulgaria has a vertical jump of 371cm and is known for his strong serves and spikes.

Bruno Rezende from Brazil has a vertical jump of 344cm and is known for his quick reflexes on the court.

Nimir Abdel-Aziz from the Netherlands has a vertical jump of 362cm and is a rising star in the volleyball world.

Matthew Anderson from the United States has a vertical jump of 350cm and is a crucial player for his team.

Osmany Juantorena from Italy has a vertical jump of 357cm and is known for his versatile playing style.

Yuji Nishida from Japan has a vertical jump of 351cm and is the youngest player on this list at just 20 years old.

Lucas Saatkamp from Brazil has a vertical jump of 335cm and is known for his blocking skills.

Michal Kubiak from Poland has a vertical jump of 351cm and is a team captain and leader on the court.

Yuji Nishida from Japan makes another appearance on this list with a vertical jump of 352cm.

Ivan Zaytsev from Italy makes another appearance as well, this time with a slightly lower but still impressive vertical jump of 369cm.

Wilfredo Leon from Poland has a vertical jump of 365cm and is a valuable player for his team.

Last but not least, we have Bartosz Kurek from Poland with a vertical jump of 357cm and a fierce playing style.


In conclusion, these 20 unreal vertical jumps in volleyball showcase the incredible athleticism and skill of some of the best players in the world. If you’re looking to up your own game, take inspiration from these players and work on improving your own vertical jump. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll make a list like this yourself

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