GOAT Status Confirmed: Ronaldo’s Unprecedented 850 Goals

Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo became the first professional footballer to score 850 goals across all levels.

'Great milestone GOAT' - Ronaldo made HISTORY when he became the first professional player to reach 850 goals at all levels

The match between Al-Hazm vs Al-Nassr ended with a ‘5-star’ victory for the visitors, in which superstar Cristiano Ronaldo shone with 1 goal and two assists. For Ronaldo, the goal to increase the score to 4-1 in the 68th minute was extremely meaningful to him.

After scoring, Ronaldo ran to the corner of the field and danced to celebrate the goal in a familiar style. When his teammates ran to him, he danced and waved his arms, then stuck out his tongue and smiled brightly.

'Great milestone GOAT' - Ronaldo made HISTORY when he became the first professional player to reach 850 goals at all levels

In the previous match, the Portuguese captain gave the penalty to domestic player Abdulrahman Ghareeb, unfortunately this player missed the kick. In this match, he continued to assist Ghareeb to open the score, then his teammates responded with a pass to set him up to score.

Thus, Ronaldo reached the mark of 20 goals in the Saudi Pro League, after 20 matches for Al-Nassr. In all competitions, he scored 26 goals in 30 matches since joining the Saudi Arabian club. CR7 raised the scoring record to 850, 32 goals more than second place Lionel Messi.

'Great milestone GOAT' - Ronaldo made HISTORY when he became the first professional player to reach 850 goals at all levels

Of Ronaldo’s 850 goals in his career, there are 123 goals in 200 matches for Portugal, and 727 goals in 979 club matches for Real Madrid (450 goals), MU (145), Juventus (101), Al-Nassr ( 26) and Sporting Lisbon (5). His first goal scored for Sporting Lisbon was 21 years ago and the 38-year-old superstar shows no signs of stopping even though he is playing football in Asia.

Ronaldo is playing sublime in the Saudi League this season, when he leads the league in goals and assists despite missing 1 match. Captain Al-Nassr has scored 6 goals and assisted 4 times in the last three matches and 5 in 5 matches in all competitions. On average, Ronaldo contributes to 1 goal for Al-Nassr every more than 40 minutes.

'Great milestone GOAT' - Ronaldo made HISTORY when he became the first professional player to reach 850 goals at all levels

Ahead of Ronaldo are two EURO 2024 qualifying matches against Slovakia and Luxembourg with the Portuguese national team. With superior class and strength, it seems that Ronaldo will have more goals against these two teams.

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