Hope Restored: Onana’s Triumph Over Adversity Brings Progress to His Community

MAN UTD made signing a goalkeeper a priority, and Andre Onana will be the next man in goal at Old Trafford.

The Red Devils paid £47 million for the Cameroon goalkeeper, who will replace David De Gea in goal.

Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal


Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal


Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal

The Cameroon international shone throughout the club’s progress to the Champions League semi-finals in 2019.

He thrives in competition, having helped Inter Milan reach the final last season.

The 27-year-old has agreed to a five-year contract for roughly £6.2 million each year.

And the goaltender has made certain that the fortune he has amassed as a result of his popularity has been shared with his hometown.

It was stated in 2020 that Onana utilizes a portion of his pay to build an electric system that gives power to a tiny African community.

The compassionate sportsman also has a foundation that helps children who have had difficult lives.

He began his youth career at Barcelona, but irritated the Catalan giants by turning down a contract offer to join Ajax at the age of 18.

However, the selection was plainly justified, as Onana has gone on to become one of Europe’s top keepers.


Onana, who was born in Cameroon, had no intention of supporting his mother’s hometown of Mengueme.

But, after securing a £20,000-per-week contract with Ajax in 2019, he decided he needed to give something back.

Onana used his money well, establishing a power grid that gives electricity to the Essoessam people.

He brought Menguene out of the dark and reduced their reliance on kerosene lamps.

Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal


Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal

This isn’t his only philanthropic contribution.

In 2016, Onana established his foundation to assist young African children by providing them with access to a better education, medical treatment, and assistance to those afflicted by terrorist acts.

“I know firsthand what many children in my country are going through,” he admitted.

“I feel inside that I have to help them have a better future.”


Former Barcelona great Samuel Eto’o has contributed to Onana’s success.

He joined the La Masia Academy at the age of 14 after graduating from the famed striker’s academy in Cameroon.

“I’m very thankful for what he did for me coming from his foundation,” Onana told OmaSportsTV.

However, it did not work out for Onana in Catalonia.

Barcelona was sanctioned by FIFA in 2014 for violating the regulations regarding the recruitment of international players.

This meant that Barça’s youth development was stalled because they couldn’t play any competitive games for 18 months.

Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal


Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal

When he returned, he won man-of-the-match for Barcelona versus Ajax in an Under-19 UEFA Youth League game, which alerted Ajax’s coaching staff.


At the age of 18, Onana became dissatisfied with his chances at Camp Nou.

He was insistent that he belonged with Barcelona’s B squad, and his road to the first team was stymied by the additions of Claudio Bravo and Marc Andre ter Stegen that summer.

There was only one option.

A contract was offered to him by Barcelona, but Ajax’s sales presentation proved more appealing. He moved to Amsterdam to improve his game, much to the chagrin of Spanish legend Andoni Zubizaretta.

When first-team goalie Jasper Cillessen went to Barcelona in 2016, manager Peter Bosz decided 20-year-old Onana would be his backup.


Despite his dream move to the Premier League, Onana’s chances of progressing to a better team could’ve come sooner.

Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal


Teo Onana, a compassionate man, triumphed over social prejudices and selflessly financed the power grid project in his hometown, bringing hope and progress to the community. !g - LifeAnimal

Following a breakout season in 2016-17, in which he helped Ajax reach the Europa League final, a top unknown team began discussions with him.

The shot-stopper, however, said that he was advised that the color of his skin would be a problem for fans, and the move was canceled.

“It is not easy for a black goalkeeper to reach the top,” Onana told Dutch newspaper Het Parool, according to Marca.

“They decided against signing me because a black goalkeeper would be difficult for their fans to accept.”

“It wasn’t because they thought I wasn’t good enough. It’s a complement to me.”

Chelsea’s loss might be that club’s gain.

Redemption at Inter

Onana’s career was shattered in 2021 when he was barred from playing for a year after testing positive for the banned drug Furosemide.

He claimed it was his wife’s medicine and that he took it by mistake, and he challenged the judgment with the help of Ajax, and his punishment was reduced to nine months by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Onana went to Inter Milan after seven and a half years in Amsterdam to restart his career.

In January 2023, he defeated AC Milan in the Supercoppa Italiana and went on to win the Coppa Italia, defeating Fiorentina in the final.

The African was also crucial in his team’s march to the Champions League final, where they were narrowly defeated by Manchester City.

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