How Much Is Warriors Star Stephen Curry Really Worth? Find Out and Analysis

In 2023, Stephen Curry is thought to be worth $160 million. Find out how much Stephen Curry, a star player for the Warriors, is worth by using study, data, and more.


Stephen Curry, the star player for the Golden State Warriors, is without a doubt one of the most decorated athletes of this age. This post, on the other hand, is about how much Stephen Curry is worth in 2023. Over the course of 14 years in the NBA, the player has won four titles, two MVP awards, one Finals MVP award, nine All-Star Game selections, and four All-NBA First-Team choices, among many other honors. Curry already has the most 3-pointers made of any player in NBA history, making him the best shot. Stephen Curry has a net worth of $160 million in 2023.Pay for Stephen Curry in 2023


In 2022–23, he began a four-year contract worth more than $215 million, which paid him more than $48 million a year. He will make almost $60 million in the last season of this contract, 2025–26.

How Much Stephen Curry Made Early in His Career

Forbes’ list for 2022 put Stephen Curry at No. 5 on the list of the world’s highest-paid sports, with $92.8 million. His pay is $45.8 million, and he makes an extra $47 million off the court. NBA player LeBron James is the only one higher on the list.


Curry signed an extra $201 million deal with the Warriors in 2017. It was the first $200 million deal in NBA history, and it ended in 2022.

Stephen Curry’s Support for Brands

Like all famous athletes in their prime, Curry has been making money off of his fаme by working with and endorsing a lot of big brands. He has been an Under Armour brand spokesman since 2013.

All of these things add up to Stephen Curry’s net worth in 2023.

By 2015, Curry had renewed his deal with Unilever/Degree and signed a three-year endorsement deal with Brita, a business that makes water filters. Curry also worked with JPMorgan Chase and in 2017 became an ambassador for Infiniti. He also made deals with Palm and Rakuten. In 2021, he teamed up with FTX, but that didn’t work out.

Stephen Curry’s Investments in Business


Curry opened up even more by starting SC30, a business that handles his investments and relationships. Besides making movies, he has also worked as an executive producer on the movie “Jump Shot” through Unanimous Media. The company made a deal with Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2018 and then a huge deal with Comcast NBCUniversal in 2021. Curry is going to be in a new comedy show on NBC.

There is never a problem with money in the Curry home, and there never will be. Steph is a huge fan of the Carolina Panthers and is said to have even tried to buy the team with Sean “Diddy” Combs in 2018.

Stephen Curry’s Work for Charity

It’s clear that professional athletes make a lot of money over the course of their lives. Curry is kind because he helped people who were less wealthy. Curry and his wife Ayesha just started the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation, whose main goal is to end youth hunger. The famous couple has also given a lot of money to charity over the years. For example, they helped out during the cоrоnavirus оutbreak. The Curry family and a housing project in Atherton, the rich neighborhood where they live, were in the news recently because the Currys said they were worried about their privacy.

Stephen Curry is still one of the best players in the NBA, even with all of that. In 2022, he finally won the Finals MVP award. In the future, he will have many more chances to make a lot of money, both through hoops and his endorsements.

There is Stephen Curry and Under Armour.

Because Curry’s shoe line did so well, UA paid him a lot more to sign with them again in 2017. Under Armour launched the Curry Brand in 2020 to compete with Nike’s Jordan Brand. He just signed a deal that makes him work for the company forever.

Still, were you shocked by how much Stephen Curry was worth in 2023?


These are some questions that people often ask about Stephen Curry.

How much does Stephen Curry earn each year?

Stephen Curry earns $53,838,416 a year.

Stephen Curry or Kevin Durant? Who has more money?

Kevin Durant has a net worth of $300 million, which is $140 million more than Stephen Curry.

In what way does Stephen Curry get paid by Under Armour?

The company that Stephen Curry works for pays him $20 million a year.

What kind of business does Stephen Curry run?

Stephen Curry runs his own media company called Unanimous Media. In 2017, he also started SC30, which is in charge of his off-court business.

Is Stephen Curry able to become a billionaire?

Stephen Curry could become a billionaire thanks to his deal with Under Armour for shoes. Curry can be like Michael Jordan and help the company turn things around if his deal with the company does the same.

How many people work for Curry?

LinkedIn says that Curry’s company, SC30, has 19 workers.

Who runs the Curry company?

Stephen Curry runs the Curry brand as president and CEO. Stephanie Linnartz, who is president and CEO of Under Armour, helps Curry with day-to-day tasks.

Stephen Curry works for Under Armour. Why is that?

Stephen Curry likes that Under Armour gives more money to projects that help the community.  “I believe in myself a lot, both on and off the court.” Curry said, “I believe in Curry Brand, Under Armour, the team we have now, and what we’re doing together.” “We both see a bright future ahead of us.”

Why does Stephen Curry have such a small net worth?

Stephen Curry wasn’t given much attention when he was coming out of college. His last two deals were very big, and the one with Under Armour could make him a fortune. In the next two years, his wealth will grow by a huge amount.

How much does Stephen Curry earn each year?

Stephen Curry makes a yearly salary of $53,838,416.

How much does Stephen Curry get paid by the Golden State Warriors?

Stephen Curry has been with the Golden State Warriors for 15 years and has made $354,721,977.

Do partnerships bring in a lot of money for Stephen Curry?

Stephen Curry makes $47 million a year from advertising right now.

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