Inside Damian Lillard’s Stunning Car Collection – Is It Better Than LeBron James’?

For his accomplishments while playing NBA basketball for the Portland Trail Blazers, Damian Lillard is well-known. With his abilities and ethics, he has ruled the world. Damian’s career has so far progressed steadily. He has a sizable following and is also referred to as “Dame Time” by his audience.


The NBA player, 30, has never released a music album before. He refers to it as “Big D.O.L.L.A.,” and it shows him seated in his preferred Bentley SUV.

The estimated value of Damian Lillard’s net worth is $115 million. The NBA 2K23 ratings recently gave Damian Lillard a +2 stat bump. Despite making a staggering $29.8 million annually,

Damian Lillard isn’t keen on showing off his opulent lifestyle. The NBA player has in fαct been seen driving a number of luxurious cars. Here is a comprehensive list of Damian Lillard’s expensive and chic car collections. Dame Time presently owns the Cadillac Escalade, Bentley Bentayga, and Bentley Continental GT.

Cadillac Escalade

The Cadillac Escalade is Damian Lillard’s first vehicle. The wheelbase of the Cadillac Escalade is the longest in its class. The introduction of a 10-speed automatic transmission is this car’s biggest upgrade.


As a result, the Cadillac Escalade provides smoother shifts and contributes to the engine using a little less fuel. This vehicle has a black exterior and interior. A naturally aspirated 6.2L VVT V8 engine with 420 HP and 460 lb-ft of torque powers the Cadillac Escalade. It had a 0 to 60 mph acceleration time of 6.3 seconds and a top speed of 130 mph.

Bentley Bentayga


The NBA player’s Bentley Bentayga SUV is his go-to vehicle. This SUV is known for being among the most expensive SUVs ever produced. The Bentayga has been able to openly flaunt its status and uniqueness in an effort to become the leading ultra-luxury SUV. This Bentayga fits every requirement in this category, and he utilized it in “Big D.O.L.L.A.”, one of his music albums.

This car is commonly spotted being driven by Damian Lillard. A roaring 4.0-liter twin-turbo W12 engine that generates 600 horsepower and 568 pound-feet of torque powers the Bentley Bentayga. It had a top speed of 190 mph and could reach 60 mph in 3.5 seconds.

Bentley Continental GT 

The Bentley Continental GT’s supercharged 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine generates 626 HP and 644 lb-ft of torque. It took 4.3 seconds to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour. Its top speed is supposedly 208 mph.

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