Inside the Legend – Untold Story of Michael Jordan’s Family and Life Beyond Basketball

Without a question, one of the most gifted and well-known athletes is Michael Jordan. The basketball player and entrepreneur chooses to keep his personal life private, despite the fαct that many people are aware of his extraordinary accomplishments throughout his career.


The 60-year-old superstar wed Juanita Vanoy in 1989, and after 17 years of marriage, they separated in 2006. The ex-couple welcomed Jasmine (30), Marcus (32) and Jeffrey (34) into their home. Jordan later wed Yvette Prieto in 2013, and the two had twin daughters, Victoria and Ysabel, who are now 9 years old.

Martin Marcus


Marcus was born on December 24, 1990. In high school and college at the University of Central Florida, James Jordan developed a passion for basketball. After earning a degree in hospitality administration, the athlete-turned-entrepreneur opened the well-known sneaker shop Trophy Room. Presently, Marcus is seeing ‘Reαl Housewives of Miami’ actress Larsa Pippen.

Jonathan Jordan


Jeffrey Jordan, who was born on November 18, 1988, pursued basketball at the University of Illinois in 2007 and remained devoted to the game until 2009. He earlier said that his father had encouraged him to pursue his aspirations. He told GMA in 2020 that the competitive environment “shaped us in a way that was for the better and got us prepared for what we were going to face in the reαl world.” At the moment, Jeffrey is wed to Radina Aneva and employed with the Jordan label.

Jordan, Jasmine


Jasmine Jordan, who was born on December 7, 1992, studied sports management at Syracuse University, where she also met Rakeen Christmas, her future husband. Rakeem Michal, their first son, was born to the couple around Christmas 2019. She does marketing duties at the Jordan company. “Between him and my mom, they made sure that we felt like he was normal as can be and we grew up very normal, and for that I’m grateful,” she remarked on her upbringing to GMA in 2020.

Ysabel and Victoria Jordan


Victoria and Ysabel, Michael and Yvette’s 9-year-old twins, are kept out of the spotlight and haven’t been photographed on social media. In 2014, the couple gave birth to their two children in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Young Victoria and Ysabel have an aunt in 4-year-old Rakeem’s mother, their half-sister Jasmine. Her father, she has stated, “loves being a grandpa.” On Facebook Live, Jasmine said that he “had to warm up to [it].” She clarified. “Initially, he requested that my son call him “Mike” or “Michael,” but I said, “Dad, we’re not doing this. You must accept your role as grandpa. What is, is what is.

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