Investigating What Instigated the Austin Reaves, Taylor Swift Dating Chatter

Taylor Swift had been “rumored” to be dating Lakers guard Austin Reaves for quite some time, well before she began dating Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

The origins of the Taylor Swift and Austin Reaves dating list

The person who orchestrated the hoax that linked Swift, 33, with Reaves, 25, in a now-viral tweet from June has spoken up, and it just so happens to be a Lakers rival.

According to Zain Fahimullah, the Clippers’ assistant of social media design, Austin “is the trending boy, like the Lakers’ darling of the summer” in a recent interview with Fox Sports.

He has just put pen to paper on this [four-year, $54 million] contract. The United States Olympic Team will be getting him. It’s much more amusing because of the difference between Austin Reaves and Taylor Swift. Austin is a country bumpkin, akin to a farmer. And Taylor Swift is this enormously popular performer. That’s probably why I went with him.”

The origins of the Taylor Swift and Austin Reaves dating list

Fаhimullаh wаnted tо аdd tо the cоnversаtiоn surrоunding Swift’s sepаrаtiоn with the 1975’s Mаtty Heаly, which hаd recently been а trending subject, sо he used his burner аccоunt tо dо sо.

The text reads, “Taylor Swift, fresh off a breakup, was spotted at a bar in Arkansas with star Laker basketball player Austin Reaves this weekend.”

The end outcome is… 4.400.00000 pageviews on X.

The origins of the Taylor Swift and Austin Reaves dating list

Since Fahimullah is employed by the Clippers, he “tweeted off there” instead of using his “main” account.

In addition to saying that the Swift rumors were “all bulls-t” in July, Reaves also revealed the exact minute he heard them.

My brother, best buddy, and girlfriend and I were playing cards. “I mentioned it to her and she looked at me like, ‘Yeah, I’ve seen that,’” Reaves said, who had gotten the tweet in a message from a friend.

As an example, “I was like, ‘Yeah, one night while you were asleep I just snuck out and went to a bar.’  In all likelihood, she made light of the situation, saying something like, “If it were at a golf course, I would have been a little more worried.”

Since then, Swift and Kelce, 34, have been the NFL’s new favorite couple.

The origins of the Taylor Swift and Austin Reaves dating list

The pop superstar first became associated with the Chiefs in September, the same month he witnessed the team’s Week 3 victory at Arrowhead Stadium over the Bears.

The 12-time Grammy winner and Kelce’s mom, Donna, were seen out and about in New York City together lately, and for the first time, they were seen holding hands.

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