Iran Denies False Claims: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Innocence Amidst Adultery Rumors

There have been allegations that Cristiano Ronaldo would get a penalty of 99 lashes for adultery, which the Iranian Embassy in Spain has vehemently refuted.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

It follows claims made by Iranian media, as reported by Mundo Deportivo, that the nation’s attorneys had lodged a complaint against Al-Nassr after images of him cuddling with international painter Fatima Hamimi surfaced online.

The incident happened during the Portuguese superstar’s September visit to the nation; however, the Iranian Embassy in Spain has denied rumors that the football player would face penalties if he returned, instead endorsing Ronaldo’s gesture. “We strongly deny the issuance of any court ruling against any international athlete in Iran,” the embassy said in a statement.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

“It is concerning that the dissemination of such false information may eclipse crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against the oppressed Palestinian people.”It should be mentioned that Cristiano Ronaldo was warmly welcomed by the Iranian people and authorities during his official football match visit on September 18 and 19.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

“The people and the country’s sports authorities both praised and admired his sincere and humane meeting with Fatemeh Hamami.”

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

In September, Ronaldo—who is dating Spanish model Georgina Rodriguez—travelled to Tehran, the Iranian capital, alongside Al-Nassr ahead of their Asian Champions League group stage match against Persepolis.

During his visit, the Iranian painter Fatima Hamimi, who had created a piece specifically for Ronaldo, wanted to present it to the former Manchester United and Real Madrid player.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

Rumor has it that Ronaldo handed her an autographed shirt, kissed her on the cheek, and hugged her in a picture that angered Iranian attorneys.

This is due to the fact that it is illegal in Iran to touch a married lady without permission.

Fan of the Portuguese great, Hamimi is reportedly ’85 per cent paralysed’.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

According to Mundo Deportivo, Iranian network Sharq Emroz reports that the Iranian legal system responded swiftly to the photo of the two and condemned Ronaldo to 99 lashes the next time he visits Iran.

Al-Nassr is a participant in the Asian Champions League group stage. They are in Group E with Tajikistan’s Istiklol, Qatar’s Al-Duhail, and Iranian team Persepolis.

Following images of the Al-Nassr star hugging a painter, claims claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo 'may be condemned to 99 lashes for adultery' were "strongly denied" by Iran.

He won’t be going back to Iran for this competition round, but if they go to the knockout stages, it’s possible he will have to go back to Iran.

According to those allegations, Ronaldo might be detained by Iranian authorities and made to serve his sentence if he does so.

However, the Iranian Embassy has now denied those allegations and praised the Portuguese international’s conduct instead. Since 2016, Ronaldo and Rodriguez have been together. Together, they have two children, Alana Martina and Bella Esmeralda.

In addition, Rodriguez is the mother of Cristiano Jr., the oldest child, and the surrogate-born twins, Mateo and Eva.

In an agreement that was finalized on New Year’s Eve of last year, Rodriguez and the children accompanied Ronaldo to Saudi Arabia when he joined Al-Nassr.

For a response, Mail Sport has contacted Ronaldo’s reps.

The veteran played during Portugal’s 3-2 triumph over Slovakia on Friday night.

He continued his excellent goal-scoring trend this season by scoring twice during the game, his sixth goal in six club and national team games.

Portugal has won every game they have played thus far in the Euro 2024 qualifying campaign, placing them atop Group J.

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