Kelly Oubre Jr. and Wife Shylynn Share Heartfelt Moments as They Welcome Baby TsuSún into the World

Kelly Oubre Jr. is now the proud father of two children.

The 27-year-old NBA shooting guard and his wife Shylynn welcomed their second child, a son, the couple exclusively revealed to PEOPLE. Son TsuSn Kelly Oubre was born in North Carolina on Monday, May 1, weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces. “While thinking about the name Kelly Oubre III, we finally decided to give her an original nickname,” explains the founder of SHHY Beauty, who shares with the founder of Dope$oul a 2-year-old daughter, Málibu’s age. , revealed to PEOPLE.

NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn


NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn


NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn

“So we created TsuSún as a play on Kelly’s tsunami and monsoon-related nicknames, keeping the aquatic theme of our daughter’s name Málibu – a town with beautiful water views on the coast of Cali.” This time around, Shylynn’s pregnancy was noticeably different; she gave birth to her daughter amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “I was better prepared for the whole process the second time around and I’m excited to enjoy my pregnancy without the fear and lockdown that has been in place since 2020/21,” she added.

NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn


NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn

“Up until my due date, I maintained a healthy, active lifestyle and exercised regularly throughout my pregnancy.” The new mother of two continued: “I don’t feel restricted or limited in what I can do; it’s incredibly stimulating, especially when you have a young child. “It helped me go through pregnancy and childbirth without any difficulty! » “Compared to our previous delivery, this delivery had no heartburn, light labor, went quickly and required less time to recover.” Although they weren’t initially sure how she would handle the transition, the couple was happy to see their little girl developing like a big sister.

NBA star Kelly Oubre Jr. happily welcomed their second son, TsuSún, with wife Shylynn

“She is currently learning to speak and converse at age two.” “So she likes to watch him sleep in his crib and bite him and call him ‘bro,’” Shylynn says. “She likes the “seniority” of being the eldest; She takes the smallest details very seriously and is very proud of herself for being able to help us buy her pacifiers, diapers, wipes or clothes. Plus, she is obsessed with her “little toes” and talks to us about them every hour! As he weighs options for the upcoming NBA season, family is Oubre’s top priority right now. “We intend to show our children the optimal path to surpass ourselves so that they can absorb our knowledge without having to suffer as many failures as we have experienced on our journey.” “Our goal is to provide them with the resources necessary not only to survive in this world but also to overcome it psychologically,” he says. “We set an exemplary standard, demonstrate compassion and demonstrate the benefits of a commitment to tireless effort. »Our ultimate goal is to build a thriving family empire through organic means, in which each member succeeds in their endeavors that contribute to our collective well-being.

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