Kicking It with Legends: Ronaldo, His Son, and Ali Turganbekov Show the Power of Pursuing Your Dreams

Cristiano Ronaldo has played alongside some of the greatest players in the world during his career – but his latest knockabout was a rather heartwarming one.

Ali Turganbekov was born without legs but that has not prevented him from developing his passion for football as he continues to remain physically active.

And the 12 year-old boy from Nur Sultan in Kazakhstan could not contain his excitement when he got the chance to knock the ball around with his idol in Dubai.

‘Nеvеr stоp pursuιng yоur drеаm!’ – Rоnаldо аnd hιs sоn plаy а gаme оf kееp-ups with Alι Turgаnbеkоv
‘Nеvеr stоp pursuιng yоur drеаm!’ – Rоnаldо аnd hιs sоn plаy а gаme оf kееp-ups with Alι Turgаnbеkоv
‘Nеvеr stоp pursuιng yоur drеаm!’ – Rоnаldо аnd hιs sоn plаy а gаme оf kееp-ups with Alι Turgаnbеkоv

With 158,000 Instagram followers, Ali has been pictured with some of the game’s greatest players, including Iker Casillas of Real Madrid and Xavi, a former star of Barcelona.

However, the excitement of meeting Ronaldo overcame him, and he threw the ball to the Portuguese man as soon as he entered the room, then proceeded to play several games of keepy-uppies.

The most endearing part of the video shows Ali hugging Ronaldo after their brief game. It also shows the Juventus star taking pictures with the little player and signing the ball they are using.

‘Nеvеr stоp pursuιng yоur drеаm!’ – Rоnаldо аnd hιs sоn plаy а gаme оf kееp-ups with Alι Turgаnbеkоv
‘Nеvеr stоp pursuιng yоur drеаm!’ – Rоnаldо аnd hιs sоn plаy а gаme оf kееp-ups with Alι Turgаnbеkоv

Ali calls himself a ‘unique optimist’ on Instagram. His exceptional handling and heading abilities, which are readily apparent throughout the film, allow him to play in goal.

The encounter between young Ali and one of his sports idols, Ronaldo, was arranged by Russian Mixed Martial Arts champion Khabib Nurmagomedov.

He met Oleksandr Zinchenko of Manchester City and Andriy Shevchenko in March after inviting Ali to practice with the Ukrainian national squad.

With the assistance of FC Kairat, a team in the Kazakhstan Premier League, Ali traveled more than 4,000 kilometers from his hometown to participate in the knockabout.

Additionally, following Liverpool’s triumph over Chelsea in the August European Super Cup, he presented medals to the players in Istanbul.

‘That’s why you the best in the world,’ Nurmagomedov wrote on Instagram in response to Ronaldo’s offer of gratitude. Many thanks for it. You bring joy to my brother.

While on vacation in the United Arab Emirates, Ronaldo spent a week in Dubai, where he won the men’s player of the year award at the Dubai Globe Soccer Awards.

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