Kindness in Action: Ronaldo’s Embrace Warms the Heart of Orphaned Boy, 10

Cristiano Ronaldo, a superstar for Al-Nassr, consoled a Syrian child who lost his father in the February 6 earthquakes that struck Syria and Turkey, killing over 45,000 people.

After an Al-Nassr game, a clip of Cristiano Ronaldo consoling a 10-year-old boy whose father perished in the recent earthquakes that devastated Syria and Turkey last month went viral.

The February 6 earthquakes claimed the lives of more than 45,000 people, including former Chelsea and Newcastle footballer Christian Atsu. In the aftermath of the earthquake, countless others were injured and enormous numbers of people lost access to water, electricity, and heat.

Cristiano Ronaldo hugs orphaned-father boy, 10 and sends a plane full of supplies to help earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey


Cristiano Ronaldo hugs orphaned-father boy, 10 and sends a plane full of supplies to help earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey


Cristiano Ronaldo hugs orphaned-father boy, 10 and sends a plane full of supplies to help earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey


Cristiano Ronaldo hugs orphaned-father boy, 10 and sends a plane full of supplies to help earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey

Nabil Saeed, a Syrian youth, was invited to Saudi Arabia after he was overheard expressing his desire to watch Ronaldo perform to a Saudi Arabian rescue team that had traveled to Syria in the wake of the tragedy. The clip was shared on social media by Turki Alalshikh, Chairman of the Saudi Board of General Entertainment Authority, who requested assistance in identifying the child.

When asked with whom he would like to travel to Saudi Arabia, Nabil initially responded, “My father and mother,” before correcting himself during an emotive moment.

This past weekend, Nabil encountered his idol at Al-Nassr’s match against Al-Batin at the Marsool Park Stadium, where he was accompanied by his mother.

Nabil exclaimed, “I cannot believe I am in Saudi Arabia,” prior to being approached by the multiple-time Ballon d’Or recipient. Nabil, overcome with emotion, expressed his affection to the former Manchester United striker before receiving a hug and engaging in conversation. The toddler also imitated Ronaldo’s famous ‘Siu’ celebration alongside his idol.

On the field, Al-Nassr had an eventful evening, as they appeared to be on the precipice of a shocking 1-0 loss against Al-Batin.

The Saudi Pro League leaders responded by scoring three goals in 15 minutes following the match officials’ decision to add a staggering 12 minutes of extra time.

Ronaldo failed to score against Al-Batin, who had only one victory all season prior to Friday’s Middle Eastern match. Abdulrahman Ghareeb, Mohammed Al-Fatil, and Mohammed Maran, however, discovered the net to save Al-Nassr’s face.

Al-Nassr’s late, late performance was sufficient to supplant Al-Ittihad at the top of the Saudi Pro League standings in the contest for the domestic title.

This is only the second match in which Ronaldo has failed to contribute to a goal since relocating to the Middle East. The veteran scored a hat-trick in the previous match for Al-Nassr, bringing his total to eight goals in just five competitive matches.

Ronaldo inked a two-and-a-half year contract with Al-Nassr in November after he terminated his contract with Manchester United during the World Cup.

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