King James Salutes the Queen: LeBron Hails Serena’s Relentless Pursuit of Equality

After Serena Williams, a tennis player, claimed that her violations in the final of the women’s singles competition at the United States Open were due to sexism, LeBron James is standing up for Williams, a fellow sports great.

The newly signed Los Angeles Laker, who is 33 years old, stated in the most recent cover article of The Hollywood Reporter, “What we all need to understand is that what she is fighting for is bigger than just that match.” In order to feel like she is on equal footing, she is constantly having to win more, more, more. She is battling for equality.

Williams, who was defeated by Naomi Osaka in the final of the United States Open earlier this month, referred to Carlos Ramos, the chair umpire, as “a thief” during a match in which Ramos penalized her for unauthorized coaching, in addition to breaking her racket and verbally abusing her.

At a press conference afterwards, Williams, 36, said, “I’m here fighting for women’s rights and for women’s equality and for all kinds of stuff. And for me to say ‘thief’ and for him to take a game, it made me feel like it was a sexist remark. He’s never took a game from a man because they said ‘thief.’ For me it blows my mind. But I’m going to continue to fight for women and to fight for us to have equal [rights].”

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She made the following observation: “I just feel like the fact that I have to go through this is just an example for the next person that has emotions and that want to express themselves and that want to be a strong woman, and they are going to be allowed to do that because of today.”

In the most recent interview, James discussed the weight that Williams is carrying on his shoulders. Due to the fact that she is an African-American woman competing in a sport that is dominated by white athletes, she is facing a great lot more. I am not aware of what was going on in her mind, but I can feel the hardship that she was going through,” he stated to THR.

Dame Serena Williams

Additionally, James acknowledged the criticism that Donald Trump had directed on him in August. This criticism was a response to the athlete’s statement on CNN that the president is “dividing” the country.

LeBron James was recently interviewed by the most incompetent person on television, Don Lemon, according to a tweet from President Trump. It was not an easy task, but he managed to make LeBron look intelligent. I am fond of Mike!

THR was informed by James that the fact that Trump referred to him as “dumb” did not annoy him “because I’m not dumb.”

According to what he said to the publication, “That’s like somebody saying I can’t play ball.” In no way does that bother me in any way. The fact that he even has time to do it is something that disturbs me. He holds the most influential position in the entire globe. Are you seriously able to comment on me when you have this much time at your disposal?

James also commented on the NBA’s differences from the NFL when it comes to protests, like the take a knee movement. He said, “[With the NFL] it’s the owners saying, ‘Do what we tell you to do, this is our league, our team. And you do what the hell I tell you to do.’ “

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