LeBron and Bronny Debut Secret Sneakers: Father-Son Duo Spotted Post-Practice

LeBron James, fresh off another NBA Championship victory with the Los Angeles Lakers, wasted no time hitting the court again, this time accompanied by his perfect workout partner.Father/son workout: LeBron James showed off a pair of his unreleased Nike LeBron 18s as he left the gym Friday with his oldest son Bronny, after they worked off their Thanksgiving dinner with a private basketball practice in Los Angeles

Exiting a gym in Los Angeles on Friday, LeBron was spotted alongside his eldest son, Bronny, after a rigorous private basketball session aimed at burning off their Thanksgiving feast. The 35-year-old sported a Muhammad Ali-printed hoodie, white ESNTLS basketball shorts, and eye-catching neon orange slip-on sandals featuring his iconic King James logo.Basketball prodigy: Bronny (LeBron James Jr), who celebrated his 16th birthday last month, is a high school sophomore and a rising talent with his school's basketball team at Sierra Canyon

Carrying a pair of his yet-to-be-released Nike LeBron 18s, which are expected to hit shelves for $200 later in the year, LeBron also donned a Henry Mask face covering as he left the gym with Bronny, 16, and his sports agent Rich Paul, 38.Channeling greatness: The 35-year-old sported a Muhammad Ali-printed hoodie with a pair of white ESNTLS basketball shorts and neon orange slip-on sandals with his King James logo

Bronny, also known as LeBron James Jr., turned 16 last month and is making waves as a rising star on Sierra Canyon’s high school basketball team. With appearances on ESPN and several titles already under his belt, he’s caught the attention of basketball enthusiasts.Squad goals: He carried a pair from his new Nikes (which will retail for $200 later this year), as he left the gym with Bronny, 16, and his sports agent Rich Paul, 38

Recent projections by 247Sports place Bronny at 19 among the top recruits for the class of 2023, with speculation suggesting he may commit to Duke University.

LeBron has dropped hints about his son’s collegiate future, expressing a desire for Duke’s head coach Mike Krzyzewski to still be leading the team when Bronny is ready. Back in 2015, LeBron revealed in an interview that colleges had already begun courting his then 10-year-old son, underscoring the early interest in his potential.

Earlier in the week, LeBron shared snapshots from another father-son training session on Instagram, underscoring their formidable bond with the caption: ‘Barely flex, but don’t play with us, PERIOD!! #JamesGang’Home team: LeBron has enough for his own team, sharing sons LeBron Raymone Jr, Bryce Maximus, 13, and daughter Zhuri Nova, six, with high school sweetheart Savannah Brinson, 34, whom he married in September of 2013 (pictured in September, 2018)

Observers have taken note of Bronny’s remarkable growth and resemblance to his father, prompting discussions about his evolving basketball career trajectory. On a recent episode of Undisputed, co-hosts Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe delved into Bronny’s development and its implications for his future in the sport.

LeBron, whose family includes sons LeBron Raymone Jr., Bryce Maximus, 13, and daughter Zhuri Nova, six, with his wife Savannah Brinson, continues to nurture a legacy of athletic excellence within his household.

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