LeBron’s Legacy Shifts: Why Bryce James Is Making a Surprise High School Transfer

Why Bryce James Is Moving From Sierra Canyon To Campbell Hall, The Youngest Son Of Lebron James


Bryce James Leaving Sierra Canyon: Why LeBron’s Youngest Son is Transferring to Campbell Hall


Just weeks after Bronny James committed to USC, LeBron James’ youngest son, Bryce, is also making a significant move.


On Thursday, ESPN’s Myron Medcalf reported that Bryce James will transfer from Sierra Canyon School in Chatsworth, California, to Campbell Hall in Studio City, California.

The news first broke on April 28 by the Los Angeles Daily News, shortly after Campbell Hall hired David Grace, a former UCLA assistant coach and Vanderbilt associate head coach, to lead its basketball program.

Bryce James will join NBA champion Richard Hamilton’s son, Richard Hamilton II, at Campbell Hall for his junior year.

Why Bryce James is Leaving Sierra Canyon for Campbell Hall


Though no specific reasons were given in Medcalf’s report, Bryce’s limited playing time as a sophomore at Sierra Canyon likely influenced his decision.

During his sophomore year, Bryce spent most of his time playing Junior Varsity despite an inconsistent season for the Trailblazers. I attended one of their major games at Harvard-Westlake in January, and even with key players Bronny and Isaiah Elohim (ranked No. 19 in the 2024 class) injured, Bryce did not play in the Varsity game.

Bryce will now take his talents to Campbell Hall, located about 19 miles from Sierra Canyon. Campbell Hall has a history of producing NBA talent, including the Holiday brothers: Jrue, Justin, and Aaron.

The school recently appointed David Grace as head coach, who has a track record of coaching high-profile players. During his tenure at Vanderbilt, he coached former Sierra Canyon stars and NBA players Kenyon Martin Jr. and Scotty Pippen Jr. As an assistant coach at UCLA, he worked with NBA talents such as Lonzo Ball, Zach LaVine, Kevon Looney, and Norman Powell.

“I want Bryce, if I get to coach him, to be Bryce,” Grace told Medcalf. “That’s special, and I want him to get the most out of his experience here at Campbell Hall and grow. He’s going to have way more than just me helping, but I’m going to try to do my part. I understand where he’s coming from to a point. I’m not him. My family wasn’t in that spotlight, but I’ve been around the spotlight and I can share my experiences, or I can just understand his experiences. That’s where I’ll grow as a coach.”

Bryce James’ Height and Future Prospects

At 15, Bryce stands at 6-6, taller than his older brother Bronny, who is 6-3. LeBron James reached 6-8, having been 6-7 in his senior year of high school.

Bryce will be a junior in the 2023-24 season, making him first eligible for the 2026 NBA Draft.

Comparing Bryce James to Bronny James

Bryce is considered a raw talent compared to Bronny at the same stage. Despite being taller, Bryce’s skills are less refined. According to On3’s recruiting database, Bryce is currently a four-star prospect, ranked 73rd in the Class of 2025.

However, Bryce has shown significant improvement during his sophomore AAU season this spring. With his Division-I size and his father’s guidance, Bryce’s ranking could rise similarly to Bronny’s throughout high school.

Stay tuned as Bryce James continues to develop his game and make his mark on the basketball court.

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