Like Father, Like Daughter: Shaq’s Youngest Me’Arah to Carry on Hoops Legacy at Florida

Me’Arah O’Neal will be in Florida soon.

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Me’Arah, 17, the youngest child of NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, declared her allegiance to the University of Florida on Sunday.


Me’Arah confirmed her decision with a video and a number of images posted to Instagram. On Sunday, Me’Arah participated in an Instagram Live in which she engaged in conversation with followers while celebrating her decision with family and friends.

“Great day,” she informed app users.

Her preference for Florida over LSU, where her father played collegiate football, was reported by ESPN. Me’Arah told the publication that a September visit to the University of Florida campus solidified her conviction that it was the best option for her.

“I went on the Florida visit, and I had a feeling that’s where I belonged,” she indicated to ESPN. “And that I was going to be most successful if I went to go play at Florida.”

imageMe’Arah expressed her desire to perform for Gators head coach Kelly Rae Finley in particular.”I felt a stronger connection with Coach Kelly than with any of the other institutions that recruited me.” She genuinely considers my well-being beyond the confines of the court. “That is vital to me,” Me’Arah stated to ESPN.Although Shaquille, 51, described his daughter’s visit to LSU as “one of the best moments” of his life in an ESPN interview, he “tried to stay out of” her university decision.”However, I did advise her to go where she is needed rather than where she is desired.” Because it could be a while if you go to the desired location and they have other individuals similar to you. Shaquille stated, “I want [my children] to have their own journey and experience.”imageWhile Me’Arah was investigating colleges, her father “was merely there to support me,” she continued.”I had been under self-imposed pressure to reach a conclusion, but I soon realized that patience was what was required. She added, “I made this decision independently.”Another Instagram post by Me’Arah stated, “Understanding one’s true self is the greatest aspect of maturing.”Shaunie, Me’Arah’s mother, uploaded a video in which the Florida-bound athlete expressed gratitude to her friends and family for their support. “Moreover, my siblings have motivated me,” Me’Arah continued.imageMe’Arah re-posted several messages from acquaintances and family members following her proclamation. “Let’s gooooo,” Myles, her sibling, replied in reaction to the post.”Proud of you,” USC basketball superstar Bronny James, whose father is NBA superstar LeBron James, responded to Me’Arah’s post.Me’Arah was a basketball player for Houston’s Episcopal High School.Shaquille is the joint parent of four children with his ex-wife, Shaunie O’Neal: daughters Amirah and Me’arah, and sons Shareef and Shaqir. In addition to Shaunie’s previous relationship yielded a stepson named Myles, the NBA star is the guardian of a daughter named Taahirah by his ex-girlfriend Arnetta Yardbourgh.

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