Magic’s Floating Palace: NBA Icon Splashes $138M on Record-Breaking Yacht

Magic Johnson is a man of great taste who is estimated to be worth $620 million.

Earvin Magic Johnson on X: "Enjoying vacation with my beautiful queen @cjbycookie and our great friends on the Aquila yacht!" / X

The biggest yacht to be constructed in the US since the 1930s was completely gutted and converted into a “party boat.”

On the sun deck, there’s actually a large jacuzzi, a day bar, and a massage section. There is a nightclub on the superyacht, and a DJ booth with a multimedia system, smoke machine, and light display is available.

The most unusual and visually beautiful design element of the Aquila is its chandelier, which drops four storeys from the sun deck to the lower deck. This only highlights how luxurious the vessel is.

Inside Magic Johnson's $138million superyacht Aquila with nightclub and cinema room which you can hire for $1m-a-week | The Irish Sun

An additional captivating attribute is the grand theater, complete with an oversized 85-inch screen.

The master bedroom, often known as the “owner’s deck,” features a library, a salon, and an ensuite bathroom for each occupant.  There are six other rooms available, all of which are really spacious and comfortable. The well-stocked fitness center at the Aquila is also open to guests.

Steve Harvey and LL Cool J were two of the friends who went on a once-in-a-lifetime Amalfi coast cruise with Magic in 2021. He had been observed in upscale places like Monaco, Cannes, Corsica, and Sorrento before then.

Magic Johnson Having A Great Time Over In Europe With Our, 50% OFF

He and his spouse Cookie traveled to Croatia in August 2020 for about a month. He visited the beautiful island of Dubrovnik and urged everyone who hadn’t gone to do so. He posted on Instagram, saying, “@thecookiej and I just got back from Croatia and we highly recommend it to everyone.” The meal was excellent, and the scenery is breathtaking.

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