Mateo Messi: The Comedian in the Making with a Never-Ending Supply of Jokes

Fans of football all over the world have experienced moments of sublimation thanks to the ᴛʜʀɪʟʟɪɴɢ 2022 World Cup final that was played between Argentina and France.

After the penalty shootout, when Messi and his teammates finally got their hands on the championship trophy after 36 years of waiting, everything looked to fall apart.

Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -

Messi has officially conquered the WC 2022 gold cup. (Photo: FIFA)

Following the game, it looked as though the entire world’s attention was drawn to Messi as well as his family. Specifically, the snapshot that was taken to capture the moment when one of Messi’s three boys “failed” when he witnessed his father ᴋɪᴄᴋ the opponent’s net, giving glory to the Argentina squad, went viral on social networks to an extraordinarily high degree. It is well knowledge that the Messi family’s three sons do not look up to their famous father, notably Mateo Messi, the eldest of the Messi boys and the recipient of the nick appellation “Captain of the anti-Messi team” from the general public.

Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -

The image of Messi’s son “faints” in the stands when he sees his father scoring. (Photo: Daily Mail)

On September 11, 2015, Mateo was born in Barcelona, Spain, the same city that is home to Lionel Messi and the Catalan soccer club (Barcelona). The child is Messi’s second son; his firstborn, Thiago Messi (2012), and his more recent offspring, Ciro Messi, are his brothers (2018).

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Boy Mateo always occupies the spotlight in every frame because of his humorous expression. (Photo: FB T.A)

When asked about his son’s defense, Messi himself once helplessly expressed it on the sports channel TyC Sports: “Both Thiago and Mateo are distinct individuals. Thiago possesses a remarkable talent and is quite submissive. The other youngster is an exact mirror image of the first. A significant problem.” However, the striker who wears the number 10 shirt said that the boy has a personality, which is more similar to that of the striker, and that the boy is also referred to as a “clone” of Messi.

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Mateo is a very clever boy. (Photo: IG Antonela)

The astute youngster also made fun of his father on multiple occasions after Messi’s squad was trounced. In the year 2019, when Mateo, his brother, and his father went to witness a match between Real Betis and Barcelona at the Nou Camp field, Mateo yelled “in” and lifted his hands to demonstrate his delight after watching his father’s team get ᴋɪᴄᴋed in the net.

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Mateo (far left) has a great passion for teasing his father and brother. (Photo: IG Antonela)

The Argentine forward gave the following quote: “Mateo likes to pick on me by saying things like, “I’m a Liverpool player, the football team beat me,” when we are playing soccer games together with his father. I am both Liverpool and Barcelona in one.’ Mateo does not yet have complete knowledge of everything. It’s like how he’d say Valencia triumphed over me even if I lost against Valencia. Alternatively, when we see him on TV, he gets excited whenever Real Madrid scores, “The statement was attributed to Messi and made by Hola newspaper.

Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -
Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -
Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -
Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -
Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -
Mateo Messi: The comedian who never stops -


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