Michael Jordan Isn’t on Board with Son Marcus’ Dating Choices

NBA legend Michael Jordan does NOT approve of son Marcus dating former team-mates ex Larsa Pippen with 16-year age gap


Since September, Marcus, 32, has been seeing Larsa Pippen, 48, the ex-wife of Michael’s former colleague and Chicago Bulls player Scottie. TMZ has obtained video showing Michael and his wife Yvette Prieto exiting a restaurant in Paris on Sunday, in which a spectator can be heard asking Michael if he approves of Marcus and Larsa’s relationship.

“No!” After first laughing, Michael could be heard shouting.


Michael was asked the same thing as he got into a taxi, and he just shook his head.

Although Michael may have just been joking around, his remark raises a few eyebrows. When Larsa was asked about the Jordan family on The Tamron Hall Show on March 1, she gave the impression that everything was well.

She added that she and Michael’s ex-wife Juanita Vanoy had “recently been hαnging out with [Michael and his ex-wife Juanita Vanoy], but that she didn’t want to talk about them.

It doesn’t seem to be about either my parents or his. No one is sad now. Everything with our family is fine.


I think it depends more on my current location and Marcus’s current location. We’re in a really good spot, in my opinion.We inspire one another. We’re both ecstatic to be in this relationship. And that, in my opinion, is the most crucial factor.

The actress of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Miami continued by saying she was “fine” with her connection with Marcus and that she thought Michael and Juanita were too.

I think we’re doing really well…It’s been great having the holidays together as a family. We’re in an excellent position.”

In their 19 years of marriage, Larsa and Scottie welcomed four children: Scotty Jr., Preston, Justin, and Sophia.

The couple finally divorced in December of 2021, following their last separation in 2018.


Former UCF Knights’ guard became sportswear business owner.

Marcus sent Larsa two enormous bouquets of roses for their first Valentine’s Day together earlier this year.

He posted it on Instagram with the comment “Three words, eight letters” and added a love and star emoji to wish her a happy Valentine’s Day.

On the other hand, she captioned a shot of the two of them on the beach with, “My forever Valentine.”

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