Milwaukee Bucks eyeing Kevin Love—could a trade be in the works?

Even though Pat Riley, the president of the Miami Heat, is adamant about keeping his team together, new free agency speculations may force him to face questions.


The Milwaukee Bucks are reportedly interested in power forward Kevin Love, according to HoopsWire.

He began the season with the Heat and played 41 games with the Cleveland Cavaliers this past season. Due to his success with the Cavaliers, South Beach residents were overjoyed when he came. But because of the bench role he was forced to accept, he only averaged seven points a game.


It surprises me that he already has a team interested in him given the poor season. However, the Bucks have a few options if they decide to pursue Love.


Jae Crowder might be acquired by the Heat in a trade. Crowder participated in 20 games for the Heat in the 2019–20 season and was crucial to their victory against the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA Finals.

Bobby Portis, who has three years left on his four-year contract, is another player the Bucks can move. However, given how important a part he played this season, this is probably the very last course of action.

Even though these are just rᴜmors, anything is conceivable given how the offseason has been going. Free agency starts on July 1.


Inside The Heat’s contributor Cory Nelson. His college of choice was Northern Virginia Community College. You may contact him at [email protected] or on Twitter by following him at @CKenzyNelson.

In a recent story for USA Today, Dan Wolken named Damian Lillard, a prominent player for the Portland Trail Blazers, as the NBA’s “most annoying player.”

Social media suggests that Wolken might be correct. Lillard’s odyssey in Portland is still going on despite some people’s expectations that he would be dealt to the Miami Heat. His postseason struggles and lack of championship experience were understood by many. His continued refusal to quit and the continuation of these reports without any new information have significantly irritated followers.

Lillard and the management met to talk about the team’s future, according to Chris Haynes of Bleacher Report. But despite hearing this story repeatedly, nothing seems to have changed. Haynes’ most recent statements rehash a narrative that fans have groused about for months. He doesn’t want to be on a club that is simply stacked, I can say that about him, Haynes added. He doesn’t want a squad that consists of three All-Stars or three superstars, and they compete in that manner. He simply wants a team with a chance.

Given this, Lillard would be in his ideal circumstance with the Heat. Outside of Jimmy Butler, they don’t really have a superstar, which is why they were defeated by the Denver Nuggets in the Finals. With a squad that plays basketball with a focus on the team, Lillard would be in a strong position.

To be honest though, he simply means that he wants that scenario with the Trail Blazers. Otherwise, he might choose from a wide variety of superstar-less teams to fulfill his desires.

Contributor to Inside the Heat is Jayden Armant. He attends Howard University as a student. You can contact him at [email protected] or on Twitter by following him at @jaydenarmant.

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