Desert Gold Rush: The Million-Dollar Cacti Collectors Can’t Resist
Rare cactuses taken illegally from the driest place on Earth are finally going home. Cactuses in the genuses Copiapoa and Eriosyce grow in arid regions in northern Chile, such as the Atacama Desert, and a number of these species are highly …
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Once-in-a-Lifetime Wonder: Giant ‘Queen of the Andes’ Flower’s Rare Century Bloom
Extremely rare and endangered, this ancient marvel known as the “Queen of the Andes” is the largest bromeliad in the world. Photo: Waldemar Niclevicz Among the 3,000 species of bromeliads out there, this one is definitely the king! At over …
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Nature’s Winged Wonders: 22 Flowers That Trick Your Eyes into Seeing Birds
The easiest way to attract birds into your yard is with a colorful garden made of native plants. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the beauty of both plants and avifauna with these 22 gorgeous flowers that resemble birds: 1. Moon Orchid Scientific …
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Tiny Treasures: The Thimble-Sized Nests That Could Be Hiding in Your Garden
Some hummingbird species are endangered, they are absolutely tiny, fragile birds are only a few inches long and their eggs are smaller than a jelly bean. Here’s some tips on how to spot them “Hummingbird eggs are tiny, about the size of jelly …
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Aurora Takes Flight: Photographer Captures Mythical Bird in Northern Lights
Below is a series of incredible photographs of the northern lights (aurora borealis), with one forming the outline of a phoenix, a mythical fire-eating bird common in a variety of ancient mythologies. Wings outstretched, the striking profile …
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Cracking the Code: Mauritius’s Mysterious Underwater Fall
The іsland nаtion of Mаuritius рossesses one of the moѕt mаgnificent lаndscаpes іn the world: Underѕea wаterfаlls. However, іs thіs reаlly а wаterfаll? Mаuritius іs аn іsland сountry іn the Indіan Oсean, аbout 2,000 km from the Afrіcan сontinent. …
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Earth’s Ancient Spheres: 150-Million-Year-Old Globes Rewrite History
“These spheres are believed to be approximately 150 million years old. The unique scenery of the Torysh Valley in Kazakhstan is truly remarkable. There are many stone spheres in various sizes scattered all over the surface. It seems as though …
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Turkish Riviera’s Crown Jewel: Inside Jumeirah Bodrum Palace
Jumeirah Bodrum Palace: A Luxurious Retreat in Bodrum, Turkey Jumeirah Bodrum Palace is a luxurious resort located in Bodrum, Turkey. Situated on a picturesque …
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Ancient Eden Unearthed: Massive Sinkhole Reveals Hidden Prehistoric World
Chinese scientists have discovered an ancient lost world in an extraordinarily deep and large sinkhole in south China, where they expect to find flora and fauna still unknown to science. The way to the new “lost world” in China. Image credit: …
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Picture-Perfect Love: Japan’s Naturally Heart-Shaped Toyoni Lake Goes Viral
Surrounded by lush forest on all sides and untouched by human civilization, the heart-shaped Lake Toyoni is a hidden gem among Japan’s many tourism attractions. Up until a few years ago, Lake Toyoni was virtually unknown to most Japanese, …
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