One Shining Moment to Wildly Divergent Paths: Tracking the 2012 Kentucky Champs

Anthony Davis, the standout superstar, led Kentucky’s 2012 championship team to glory with his record-setting blocks and dominant play. While Davis received much of the credit, his teammates also played vital roles and have had their own distinctive paths in the basketball world.

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, drafted immediately after Davis, faced injury challenges that hindered his NBA career. Despite this, he played for eight seasons, known for his defensive prowess. Kidd-Gilchrist has since become an advocate for stuttering awareness, a personal hurdle he overcame as a child.Anthony Davis: Biggest Flaws in Kentucky Star's Game | News, Scores,  Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report

Terrence Jones, the starting power forward, was selected 18th overall in the 2012 draft. He showcased versatility and scoring ability during his seven-season NBA stint. Currently, Jones continues his basketball journey overseas, playing for Leones de Ponce in Puerto Rico’s Baloncesto Superior Nacional league.NCAA Final Four: Kentucky's Anthony Davis Looks to Break the Curse of the  College Superstar - WSJ

Marquis Teague, the team’s steady point guard, struggled to find his footing in the NBA after being picked 29th overall by the Chicago Bulls. He played for multiple teams over four seasons, never reaching high scoring averages. However, Teague found success playing overseas, most recently with Kolossos Rodou in Greece in 2022.Auburn Tigers' Bruce Pearl says this UK Basketball team is as good as Anthony  Davis team - A Sea Of Blue

Doron Lamb, often overlooked as the designated sharpshooter, had a brief NBA career of two seasons after being drafted in the second round. Nevertheless, he didn’t give up on basketball and has since played in multiple countries. Currently, Lamb competes for UEB Gesteco Cividale in Italy’s Serie A2 league.1,106 Anthony Davis Kentucky Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, And Images  Getty Images | Jon Gay Uk Basket Ball Player |

Darius Miller, the team’s sixth man, was chosen 46th overall and began his NBA journey alongside Davis on the New Orleans Hornets. Miller had a respectable six-season NBA career, a notable accomplishment for a second-round pick.

The 2012 Kentucky Wildcats left an enduring mark not only in college basketball but also in the diverse paths their players took in the basketball world. While Davis shone as a superstar, his teammates each embarked on their own unique journeys, overcoming obstacles and making their mark in various leagues and countries.

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