Recent discoveries in Nevada include this peculiar 15 million-year-old shoeprint

  • Mystery
  • February 17, 2023

This Strange 15-Million-Year-Old Shoeprint Was Recently Discovered In Nevada

This shoe print fossil was discovered in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Nevada, according to reports. Because this vein is estimated to be around 15 million years old, the footprint must be of the same age.

This Strange 15-Million-Year-Old Shoeprint Was Recently Discovered In Nevada

A double-stitched line may be seen around the circumference of the fossil when examined closely. It seems to be a size 13 with greater wear on the right side of the heel than the left. There’s no way of knowing how it got there. Unfortunately, there isn’t much more information than the snapshot and the location where it was discovered.

This is the sole image of the discovery that has been posted, and no other information about the footprint’s exact location has been provided. Some speculate that it is to protect it from curious visitors who might cause damage.

This Strange 15-Million-Year-Old Shoeprint Was Recently Discovered In Nevada

Some explanations have been proposed as to how the footprint on the rock was imprinted. The first is that the carbon footprint was created lately and does not require millions of years to produce (an explanation not supported by science).

The second is that 15 million years ago, people (or something similar to us) walked around in shoes (of which we have no historical record)

The third theory is that prehistoric aliens visited the planet Earth. Another theory is that time travelers traveled back in time and left this mark on the soft ground by accident.

How could the footprint of a current shoe be imprinted on a 15 million-year-old substance, if this photo is real?

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