Ronaldo Calls It Quits with Shayk for Skipping His Mother’s Bash

Irina Shayk virtually ended her five-year relationship with football star Cristiano Ronaldo earlier this week when she unfollowed him on Twitter.

According to recent reports, the pair’s relationship worsened after model Irina declined to go to the unexpected 60th birthday celebration for the Real Madrid striker’s mother, Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro.

On Shayk-y ground: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo 'dumped model girlfriend Irina after she refused to attend his mother's surprise birthday party'

The Russian beauty reportedly told her beau that she would not be attending the celebration in his home Madeira, and the resulting argument destroyed their romance, according to Portugal’s Correio da Manha.The publication was informed by a source that Cristiano wanted to surprise his mother. Since he had spent Christmas with Irina in Dubai, he had intended to see her on her birthday, but Irina refused to travel.He ended up spending New Year’s Eve alone with his son since they got into such a heated argument.

On Shayk-y ground: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo 'dumped model girlfriend Irina after she refused to attend his mother's surprise birthday party'

When Irina bragged about Dolores, Ronaldo sided with him, mom. Since they hadn’t been getting along for a few months, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The article further stated that Irina chose to stay in a hotel on one of her most recent excursions to Madrid because Dolores was at Cristiano’s opulent residence on the exclusive estate La Finca, where she joyfully watched her son win his third Ballon d’Or on Monday.

On Shayk-y ground: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo 'dumped model girlfriend Irina after she refused to attend his mother's surprise birthday party'

According to the source, “Dolores believes that Irina wasn’t the right woman for Ronaldo’s son.” She desired a person who would eventually take on Cristiano Jr.’s mother role. Irina didn’t think that was important.

Cristiano is raising his four-year-old son Cristiano Jr. with Dolores; the athlete has been extremely protective of his mother’s identity.

On Shayk-y ground: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo 'dumped model girlfriend Irina after she refused to attend his mother's surprise birthday party'

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