“Ronaldo Relaxes Ripped, Rodríguez Ravishes in Red” – The Couple Displays Their Summer Style

They shared a rare photo of themselves unwinding together on a yacht last week, revealing that they were soaking up the summer weather.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

On Sunday, Cristiano Ronaldo, 35, and his companion Georgina Rodríguez, 26, maintained the momentum by spending time near the Portofino, Italy, shore.

Ronaldo, the Portuguese football player, flaunted his bulging biceps as he relaxed on the boat while sporting a pair of small white swimming trunks, and Georgina drew attention with her figure-hugging gown.The Juventus forward was seen taking refreshing swims in the sea in between talking with friends, but Georgina looked stunning in her choice of black gown.Her striking ensemble had a neckline that plunged deeply and one entire sleeve with a yellow design that matched one side of her bodice.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Spanish beauty Georgina wore her raven hair in a loose bun and accessorized simply with a brilliant ring and a set of diamond stud earrings.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Before Roanldo’s next planned game against Genoa on Tuesday, the little group seemed to be making the most of their time together in the sunshine.

Fans were delighted on Thursday when Ronaldo and Georgina posted an unusual Instagram selfie of their love.

Georgina looked amazing in a lace bikini top and a large gold necklace as the couple sunbathed on the deck of a private yacht.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Ronaldo donned a baseball cap and gold-rimmed spectacles while lying in the sun, flaunting his golden tan.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Georgina published her image to her grid with a cute comment, while Cristiano shared his on his Stories.

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

Cristiano Ronaldo displays his rippling muscles in fitted trunks while partner Georgina Rodríguez wows in figure-hugging dress as they relax aboard luxury yacht in Portofino

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