Ronaldo Works Out in United Gear Despite Missing Tour, Exit Rumors

Cristiano Ronaldo, a striker for Manchester United, appears to have broken the taboo around his future at the team by sharing a picture of himself working out while wearing United gear.

Does this mean Cristiano Ronaldo will be STAYING at Manchester United? Veteran superstar posts workout picture wearing club's training shorts as he builds fitness after missing out on summer tour for personal reasons while angling for a move

In an Instagram image with the caption “HARD WORK,” the Portuguese legend—who is renowned for his commitment to physical fitness—wore United’s training shorts from the previous campaign as he got ready for a new one.

His most recent post might indicate that an arrangement has been reached at Old Trafford for the club icon to stay, despite his prior declarations that he wants to leave the team following yet another dismal season without a title.

‘We are planning for Cristiano Ronaldo for the season and that’s it,’ stated new manager Erik ten Hag this week, demonstrating his steadfast commitment to the five-time Ballon d’Or winner.

Does this mean Cristiano Ronaldo will be STAYING at Manchester United? Veteran superstar posts workout picture wearing club's training shorts as he builds fitness after missing out on summer tour for personal reasons while angling for a move

“I’m excited to collaborate with him.” There is no buying Cristiano. He is part of our plans, and we both want to succeed.

I chatted with him prior to this problem arising. I had a nice discourse with him during our conversation. That is only between myself and Cristiano.

After receiving compassionate leave for personal reasons, Ronaldo has requested to quit United, who will participate in the Europa League next season, should the right offer come in. He is not currently on United’s preseason tour of Thailand and Australia.

Does this mean Cristiano Ronaldo will be STAYING at Manchester United? Veteran superstar posts workout picture wearing club's training shorts as he builds fitness after missing out on summer tour for personal reasons while angling for a move

Ronaldo had previously expressed his desire to leave the Red Devils, and he was linked to a surprise move to Premier League rivals Chelsea.

Todd Boehly, the owner of the New Blues, was amenable to the transfer; but, following talks with German manager Thomas Tuchel, the club formally terminated their pursuit of Ronaldo, as Tuchel was purportedly more concerned with the group than the player.

The forward, who seems to have few options after several of the top teams in the globe distanced themselves from his services, is reportedly also passed over by Paris Saint-Germain, the French powerhouse.

Does this mean Cristiano Ronaldo will be STAYING at Manchester United? Veteran superstar posts workout picture wearing club's training shorts as he builds fitness after missing out on summer tour for personal reasons while angling for a move

Actually, since making his shocking statement, he has only gotten one offer, from Saudi Arabia, where they want to give him the opportunity to end his illustrious career.

According to CNN Portugal, the team would offer Ronaldo a salary of about £105 million per season for a two-year period, in addition to paying United a transfer fee of about £25 million to acquire him.

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