Ronaldo’s Love Knows No Bounds: $173 Million Birthday Present for Georgina Rodriguez

Georgina Rodriguez, a girlfriend of Cristiano Ronaldo, revealed what the Al-Nassr star gave her on her birthday.

Ronaldo is reportedly earning a staggering £173,000,000 annually in Saudi Arabia, making him the highest-paid athlete in history.

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

Georgina Rodriguez revealed the gift Cristiano Ronaldo gave her for her birthday.

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

Georgina Rodriguez received some TIME from Cristiano Ronaldo for her birthday Credit: Instagram

Now is the time to advertise the second season of Georgina Rodriguez’s Netflix series.

Georgina Rodriguez will play the title role in the upcoming second season of I Am Georgina.

How much did the five-time Ballon d’Or winner spend on a present for Georgina on her special day?

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

The solution is all of NOTHING.

While promoting the second season of her Netflix series I Am Georgina, the model revealed that the former Manchester United star had given “his time” as a gift.

“This year he gave me his time because my birthday always falls on a game day and I don’t get to spend many birthdays with him,” Georgina said to El Hormiguero.

I was thrilled to be able to celebrate my birthday with him, my kids, my family, and my friends this year because he offered me the gift of his time.

Ronaldo moved to Saudi Arabia after his United contract was terminated in November of last year.

The star forward’s contract was terminated following his heated interview in which he disparaged the Red Devils from top to bottom.

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

The Real Madrid legend has dominated the Saudi Pro League as was predicted, scoring nine goals and dishing out two assists in ten games.

The 38-year-old was also chosen by new Portugal manager Roberto Martinez for the break despite his late age.

When Fernando Santos, Martinez’s predecessor, benched Ronaldo for their final two 2022 World Cup games, he had a lot of scars to heal.

But the Spanish strategist promised the former Juventus star of his continuous participation during a private meal in Riyadh.

Cristiano Ronaldo accompanied Georgina Rodriguez on their trip to Saudi Arabia. Author: @effek

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

Cristiano Ronaldo, Georgina Rodriguez’s boyfriend, joined Al-Nassr. Source: Rex

Ronaldo's Astounding $173 Million Birthday Gift to Girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez Leaves Everyone in Awe

Georgina Rodriguez has seen Cristiano Ronaldo dominate in the Middle East Credit: INSTAGRAM

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