Ronaldo’s Unbreakable Bond with His Mother: The Tearful Truth Behind His Choice

When asked why, despite his wealth, he continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, Ronaldo gave a deeply emotional response.

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

During an interview with the media, Ronaldo was questioned about his decision to live with his mother for many years without purchasing a separate house for her. Ronaldo’s response was heartfelt:

“My mother sacrificed her entire life for me. She often went to bed hungry just to ensure I had a decent meal. We had very little money, and she worked tirelessly seven days a week, sometimes even cleaning houses in the evenings, just to contribute enough to buy me a pair of shoes. I owe my success to her, and I want to provide her with everything I can. She’s been my pillar of support, and there’s no greater gift I can give her.”

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

Ronaldo’s response, as reported by Unique Times, deeply touched the hearts of many and could move anyone to tears. Ronaldo has always held his mother in high regard and values her advice. The 38-year-old superstar also wishes to provide his children with the same love and care he received from his mother in his formative years.

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

In reality, British media have revealed that Ronaldo did buy his mother a $2.6 million apartment in Spain. Additionally, the Portuguese superstar has gifted his mother a Porsche on her birthday in 2015 and a Mercedes on Mother’s Day in 2020. Ronaldo has never hesitated to spend generously on his mother, even treating her and her friends to trips, as reported by SCMP.

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

Ronaldo was born into poverty in Portugal, with his father, Mr. Jose Aveiro, battling alcohol addiction and often neglecting household responsibilities. Mrs. Dolores, Ronaldo’s mother, took on the role of the family’s primary provider, managing almost everything on her own. During her pregnancy with Ronaldo, she even contemplated abortion due to her challenging circumstances and the number of children she already had.

However, her maternal instincts prevailed, and she persevered through hardships, doing everything she could to support her child’s pursuit of a football career, whether it was buying him shoes or a ball.

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

As for Ronaldo, despite being considered a crybaby in his youth, he possessed an unrelenting desire to break free from poverty. His daily efforts and determination eventually led to success. Ronaldo was promoted to Sporting Lisbon’s first team at just 17 years old, and his remarkable performances caught the attention of Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson. In 2003, Ronaldo signed a contract with Manchester United, and the rest is history.

Throughout Ronaldo’s life, his mother has been a constant presence at every significant milestone. It’s safe to say that Dolores is the most influential person in the life of the Portuguese superstar.

Ronaldo continued to live with his mother rather than buying her a house of her own, the explanation will make you cry

On Dolores’s birthday in 2021, Ronaldo sent her a heartfelt message: “Happy birthday to the best mom on this planet. You are the warrior who taught me never to give up. You are the best grandmother to my children. Mom, I love you so much.” Mrs. Dolores was moved to tears upon reading her son’s words.

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