Rui Hachimura Thriving in LA—Hardly Posted While in DC

Rui Hachimura so happy in LA, Bro was not posting often in DC

八村塁さんのインスタグラム写真 - (八村塁Instagram)「Work😤🔥」7月11日 10時42分 - rui_8mura
八村塁さんのインスタグラム写真 - (八村塁Instagram)「Work😤🔥」7月11日 10時42分 - rui_8mura
八村塁さんのインスタグラム写真 - (八村塁Instagram)「Work😤🔥」7月11日 10時42分 - rui_8mura

八村塁さんのインスタグラム写真 - (八村塁Instagram)「Work😤🔥」7月11日 10時42分 - rui_8mura

Rich Paul: LeBron James is motivated to keep playing for the Lakers

LeBron James firmly hinted that he would retire from basketball this summer after the Los Angeles Lakers’ rollercoaster season this spring came to an end with a sweep in the Western Conference Finals.

Few people thought he would act in that manner. Rob Pelinka, an executive, recently remarked that the superstar is already hard at work preparing for his upcoming 21st season.

The Lakers surely had a great free agency this offseason as they added Gabe Vincent, Taurean Prince, and Jaxson Hayes while keeping Austin Reaves, Rui Hachimura, and D’Angelo Russell under fair contracts. One would assume that James wouldn’t leave after such signings.

In fαct, James’ agent Rich Paul stated in a SiriusXM NBA Radio and Frank Isola interview that two weeks after L.A. was eliminated from the playoffs, the four-time MVP sent a text expressing his desire to continue playing in the NBA (h/t Silver Screen and Roll). “Then you saw how he ended the season and him making the comment (about) having a lot to think about, and then, two weeks later, he’s texting me because he’s motivated to get back out there.”

As long as he stays fit and retains his enthusiasm for the game, Paul added, it’s possible that James plays on until he’s 44 or 45 years old.

James takes good care of his body, so it may not come as a sᴜrprise to see him perform at an All-Star level in his early 40s, just as Tom Brady did in the NFL.

Lakers Superstar Goes Viral for Offseason Training in Boxing Ring

LeBron James and the rest of the Lakers have been taking full advantage of their summer off while Rob Pelinka and the rest of the front office have been working extremely hard to assemble a championship contender this offseason.

LeBron has traveled extensively throughout Europe with his family, mentoring his younger son Bryce for his AAU travel team, and even finding time to attend a fashion show with Jarred Vanderbilt of the Lakers.

Given that Austin Reaves, D’Angelo Russell, and Rui Hachimura recently received lucrative contracts, there is a good likelihood that they may spend some money on themselves this offseason.

The starting rotation is still working hard in order to get ready for the next NBA season despite all of this fun activity.

As a Laker fan, it’s always encouraging to hear that LeBron is putting in a lot of effort “behind the scenes” to be ready for his 21st NBA season.

But when it comes to others like Anthony Davis, let’s just say that the LakeShow has had an eventful summer, both inside and outside the company.

In a boxing ring alongside boxer Jalen Walker, Davis has been spotted following a new exercise regimen created by SPARRING. You may laugh all you want, but Davis can throw some hands despite facing up against a professional boxer who is a full foot shorter than him.

Additionally, he is not sparring with any random boxer.

21-year-old featherweight professional boxer Jalen Walker, also known as “SkyWalker,” has competed in 12 fights and won 11, including 9 knockouts.

You can agree with it or disagree with it, but it makes you feel good to see the Lakers enjoying themselves this offseason.

In addition, AD is simply a different beast near the rim come tip-off, as we all know.

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