Serving Up Perfection: 20 Volleyball Serves That Can’t Be Missed

Volleyball is a game of precision and skill, and one of the most crucial elements of the game is serving. A good serve can disrupt the opponent’s game plan, create scoring opportunities, and even win matches. In this article, we’ll showcase 20 volleyball serves that are sure to impress and inspire you to perfect your own serve.

Let’s start with a classic, the jump float serve. This serve is known for its unpredictability and difficulty to receive. Players like Micha Hancock and Tijana Boskovic are masters of the jump float serve.

The jump spin serve is another powerful serve that can be challenging for opponents to handle. Katarina Lazovic and Wilfredo Leon are two players who use this serve to great effect.

The topspin serve is a serve that is hit with topspin, causing the ball to drop quickly as it crosses the net. Andrea Drews and Nimir Abdel-Aziz are two players who execute this serve beautifully.

The jump topspin serve is a variation of the topspin serve that is hit with a jump. This serve can be particularly effective when used as a surprise attack. Players like Kim Yeon-Koung and Aleksandar Atanasijevic use this serve to great effect.

The jump serve is a powerful serve that is hit with a jump, generating a lot of speed and power. This serve can be particularly effective when used to target specific areas of the court. Players like Zhu Ting and Maxim Mikhaylov are known for their deadly jump serves.

The hybrid serve is a serve that combines elements of the jump float serve and the jump topspin serve. This serve can be particularly effective when used to target a specific area of the court while still maintaining unpredictability. Players like Jordan Larson and Ivan Zaytsev use this serve to great effect.

The sky ball serve is a serve that is hit high into the air, causing it to drop sharply as it crosses the net. This serve can be particularly effective when used against opponents who struggle with overhead receives. Players like Yuji Nishida and Valentina Diouf are known for their sky ball serves.


The jump serve to a specific area of the court is a variation of the jump serve that is used to target a specific area of the court. This serve can be particularly effective when used to force opponents into uncomfortable positions. Players like Tijana Boskovic and Bartosz Kurek are known for their precision jump serves.

The jump float serve to a specific area of the court is a variation of the jump float serve that is used to target a specific area of the court. This serve can be particularly effective when used to disrupt an opponent’s offensive strategy. Players like Micha Hancock and Osmany Juantorena use this serve to great effect.

The jump serve down the line is a variation of the jump serve that is used to target the sideline. This serve can be particularly effective when used to catch opponents off guard. Players like Kim Yeon-Koung and Maxim Mikhaylov are known for their deadly jump serves down the line.

The short serve is a serve that is hit with minimal power, causing it to drop quickly over the net. This serve can be particularly effective when used to disrupt an opponent’s offensive strategy. Players like Kelsey Robinson and Wilfredo Leon are known for their effective short serves.

The deep serve is a serve that is hit deep into the opponent’s court, making it difficult to receive. This serve can be particularly effective when used to force opponents into uncomfortable positions. Players like Andrea Drews and Klemen Cebulj use this serve to great effect.

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