Sonya Curry shares her journey of raising NBA stars Stephen and Seth while embracing her faith in her heartfelt memoir, “Love Fiercely”

Sonya Curry has a unique story to share despite being best known as the mother of NBA players Stephen and Seth Curry.

The teacher tells PEOPLE exclusively that HarperOne will release her biography, Fierce Love, on May 3.

The book, titled “A Memoir of Family, Faith, and Purpose,” focuses on Sonya’s experiences raising her family, her love of learning, and the ways that her faith has supported her through some of life’s most trying times.


In an exclusive statement to PEOPLE, Sonya, 55, says, “I wrote Fierce Love to share my story, my testimony, and my experience so that others may find strength and purpose in their own journeys.” “I want to inspire others to pray constantly, live deliberately, love fiercely, and laugh every day!”



Sonya and NBA star Dell Curry, whom she divorced last year after 33 years of marriage, have a daughter Sydel Curry-Lee, 27, sons Stephen, 34, and Seth, 31, and a son, Stephen, 34, respectively. In addition to running the Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman in North Carolina and co-hosting the Raising Fame podcast, Sonya has also raised successful kids. In her book, she is candid about all of these situations.


According to the book description, Curry “tells her story for the first time in Fierce Love, starting with her childhood in rural Virginia and moving through the peaks and valleys of an incredible life—from raising her immensely gifted but occasionally headstrong children, to becoming an educator and founding a Montessori school, to discovering a profound, life-sustaining spiritual connection to her faith.”

Sonya’s three children have already expressed their love and support for her most recent endeavor.

Sons of Sonya Curry with them.

Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry said in a statement, “My mom has been a rock of encouragement, faith, discipline, and gratitude for me and my siblings from the beginning.”

Seth also talks about how their mother helped them when they were little.

According to the press release, the Brooklyn Nets player claims that his mother “was always the one to challenge us growing up.” “In each and every one of us, you can see her best qualities.”

Sydel, his sister, continues, “I’m eager for everyone to get to know my mom through her inspiring tale. My mother has always been a rock for our family.

Sydel Curry and Sonya Curry.


In an interview with PEOPLE in November 2021, Stephen talked on his mother’s commitment and “selfless[ness]”.

He remarked at the time, “My mom is an educator, so [giving back] was a part of her job.” It involved staying up late to coach children, speak with parents, and support them. She had to give up a lot of time and be selfless.

He continued, “So I got to see that up close and personal.”

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