Spurs’ Strategic Shift: Romelu Lukaku Emerges as Contemplated Replacement for Harry Kane

The Bundesliga winners have been in frequent contact with Spurs about signing Kane this summer.

Teo Spurs are contemplating a move for Romelu Lukaku as a potential replacement for Harry Kane. !g - LifeAnimal

On Thursday morning, Spurs accepted an offer worth £86.4 million after previously rejecting three bids.

Teo Spurs are contemplating a move for Romelu Lukaku as a potential replacement for Harry Kane. !g - LifeAnimal

Sky Sports said that Kane was “increasingly likely” to continue playing for Spurs, where he has scored more goals than any other player in club history.Late that night, though, David Ornstein of The Athletic reported, citing a report from Florian Plettenberg, that Kane had been granted permission to undergo a medical examination and sign the dotted line in Germany.

Teo Spurs are contemplating a move for Romelu Lukaku as a potential replacement for Harry Kane. !g - LifeAnimal

Spurs have the Herculean challenge of finding a replacement for their star player, and Italian publication Gazzetta dello Sport reports that they are considering a surprise move to acquire Romelu Lukaku.After his loan at Inter Milan ended, the Belgian forward found himself no longer needed by Chelsea.

Teo Spurs are contemplating a move for Romelu Lukaku as a potential replacement for Harry Kane. !g - LifeAnimal

After spending £97.5 million to bring him back to Stamford Bridge for a second stint, the Blues are eager to get rid of him once again.

They appear willing to sell even to Spurs, but the new manager, Ange Postecoglou, is not a fan of Lukaku “from a technical point of view,” according to the source.The fact that the former Manchester United and Everton player wants to return to playing in Serie A is undoubtedly a factor.Juve are interested in signing him, and there was even talk of a transfer including Dusan Vlahovic.

However, many supporters of Juve have voiced their opposition to the sale and have continued their protests. Recently, the Curva Sud faction unveiled a sign reading, “Lukaku Stay in Milan, We Already Have a Second Goalkeeper.”

As a result, on Wednesday, hundreds of Bianconeri fans flooded the Allianz Stadium pitch chanting “Don’t sign Lukaku!”

Lukaku has 121 Premier League goals and is back at Chelsea’s Cobham training base after being on the bench.

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