Steph Curry’s New Play: Targeting the $11,825,000,000 Market

As far as his professional life is concerned, Steph Curry is an old hand. The NBa star, who has already established a name for himself in the startup and venture capital industries, is now focusing his attention on the lucrative American whiskey market.


Through his most recent venture, Gentleman’s Cut Bourbon Kentucky Whiskey, Curry is getting ready to enter the staggering market for whiskey, which is estimated to be worth $11,825,000,000 each year.

Steph Curry was featured in an Instagram picture that displayed their whiskey, Gentleman’s Cut Bourbon, and the ad also included him getting a new haircut. The following is the title of the post:


At any point in time, a new haircut is always a good idea.

Over the course of several years, the American whiskey market has consistently expanded. There are a number of occupations that fall under this category, such as Boston, Tenetse, and Rye. Key fаctоrs cо𝚗trιbutι𝚗g tо tҺιs exρа𝚗sιо𝚗 ι𝚗cluԀe tҺe rιsι𝚗g Ԁemа𝚗Ԁ fоr ρremιum аmerιcа𝚗 wҺιskιes а𝚗Ԁ tҺe ρrоlιferаtιо𝚗 оf ultrа-ρremιum а𝚗Ԁ suρer-ρremιum gооԀs.


In the 52 weeks preceding Nоvember 2021, the whiskey market was valued slightly mоre than $10 billiоn, making it оne оf the spirits sectоr’s tоp perfоrmers.

The demand for whiskey, especially aged varieties like Tennessee and Bourbon, has increased by double digits over the past few years.

Portfolio Assets Managed by Stephen Curry


Apart from his reputation on the basketball court, Steph Curry is highly recognized in the business world. Curry has invested in 14 businesses, one of which being Unanimous Media, and his net worth is $160 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. SnapTravel, an online travel agency, was his first venture into the tech sector.

Unanimous Media, Curry’s media company, is one of his most important ventures. The company’s main products are movies that deal with faith, family, and sports.

Oxigen, a firm that produces electrolyte-balanced water that will be supplemented with oxygen in 2020, is another noteworthy investment. The company produces a drink that helps muscles recuperate.

Last year (2018), Steph Curry invested in the esports organization TSM. From $250 million in 2018 to an incredible $410 million, the business’s value has skyrocketed. Curry has also recently made investments in Tonal, a business that makes AI-powered home training equipment.

All of the player’s philanthropic endeavors, investments, and partnerships are managed by SC30 Inc., the manager of his financial portfolio. His most important collaboration is as a signature athlete for Under Armour.

Thanks to his numerous successful businesses, Steph Curry makes more money off the court than he does while playing basketball.

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