Stephen Curry isn’t just a basketball star—his golf game is next level

How good is Stephen Curry at golf? NBA great set to showcase his skills in The Match 2023

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The new version of “The Match” is only for winners.

“Splash Brothers” Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson, who have won four NBA titles with the Warriors, will play against Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce, who have won two Super Bowls. The match will take place on Thursday at Wynn Golf Club in Las Vegas.

We know that Curry and Thompson are two of the best shooters in basketball history, and that Mahomes and Kelce will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But what about how good they are at golf? On Thursday, that’s all that will matter. Here’s what you need to know about Curry’s golf skills and what to expect when he plays with Thompson in Las Vegas.

Is Stephen Curry good at golf?

Curry’s accuracy on the basketball court works pretty well on the golf course, it turns out.

He has played four rounds on the Korn Ferry Tour, which is a stepping stone to the PGA Tour. He has scored 74, 74, 71, and 86 in those rounds. Even though he didn’t make the cut in either of his two games, golf pros SFGATE talked to think Curry could make the cut if he put more time into golf.

The golf coach at Howard University, Samuel Puryear, told the outlet, “He gets a lot of clubhead speed through the impact zone, and especially on his approach shots, he puts a lot of spin on the ball.”

Andrew Larkin, the coach of Santa Clara, said Curry was good at all the skills, but he wouldn’t be able to compete with professional golfers.

“As the course conditions and requirements get tougher, you have to be that much better at what you do. “That’s where I think the next gap would be,” Larkin told SFGATE.

Curry may not be ready to play on the PGA Tour, but he could be the best golfer on the course with Thompson, Mahomes, and Kelce if he can do these things: Curry’s great 97-yard shot from 2022 helped bring attention to his golf game, and on Thursday, the two-time NBA Most Valuable Player will be the one to watch in a competition full of stars.

What is Stephen Curry’s handicap?

Curry has a handicap of 0.1, which shows how good he is at golf.

Compared to other famous players, Michael Jordan has a handicap of 1.9, while Tom Brady has a handicap as high as 9.3.

Last year, Mahomes played The Match for the first time with a handicap of 7.7, while Kelce said his handicap was 11 in 2022. Thompson’s handicap of 15 is the worst of the field, which could give the Chiefs’ duo a chance by balancing out Curry’s skills.

Stephen Curry golf experience

Curry has a lot of knowledge with golf. He teamed up with Peyton Manning to take on Charles Barkley and Phil Mickelson in a 2020 episode of The Match. Barkley and Mickelson won pretty easily, but this time there won’t be a professional player on the other team.

Curry has done things like play in celebrity golf tournaments and make two outings on the Korn Ferry Tour outside of “The Match.” Curry took part in the Memorial Tournament Pro-Am earlier in June to improve his game before being in the spotlight with Thompson in Las Vegas.

Curry takes his golf game as seriously as he does everything else. Will that be enough for him to win The Match for the first time?

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