Tension rises as Kevin Durant reunites with his legendary Olympic partner

Watching the galaxy of stars that is Team USA come together and take on the rest of the world is the highlight of the Olympic Games for basketball fans. Where else would you see LeBron James and Stephen Curry collaborating in a competitive game?

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It’s also interesting to watch how these players express different aspects of their personalities when interacting with one another and in the unusual setting of spending a lot of time away from home. The most recent example is Devin Booker, whose exploits in Paris are being eagerly anticipated by followers worldwide.

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However, what happens when famous athletes become overly amiable, raising concerns among supporters that they might depart to form other teams with their newfound friends?This kind of situation is nothing new to Kevin Durant. The two were attached to each other for the entire All-Star Weekend before to signing with Kyrie Irving on the Brooklyn Nets, sparking rumors that they were discussing playing together. That did occur, and with Durant in 2024, we might see it happen once again.

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The Minnesota Timberwolves’ Anthony Edwards has gushed about Durant being his all-time favorite player on multiple occasions. He only has positive things to say about the 35-year-old Durant, even when he was blowing the Suns out of the playoffs. It goes without saying that Edwards’ dream is to be able to compete as a team in the Olympics.

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But in the process, would he be genuinely trying to recruit Durant to Minnesota? It is very simple to include Durant’s name in trade rumors, as this writer previously discussed on the “Golden State with Mates” podcast. He has already changed clubs multiple times, and it’s not as though the Suns won’t be able to move Bradley Beal even if they decide to trade Booker.Additionally, Durant has not wasted any time dispelling the persistent allegations about him, stating previously in the offseason that “you could just press the ‘KD want to leave’ button anytime you want some attention.” It is a button, indeed. What more could possibly excite people at this time of year? In addition, “Oh, the journeyman is on his way out again.”

Even if all of above is accurate and there isn’t any evidence that Durant wishes to leave The Valley at this time, supporters may still be alarmed by Edwards’ remarks. Edwards has moved over the Timberwolves’ apparent attempt to generate an unfounded rivalry not too long ago, but it was a long time ago.

“I love that he’s (Durant) coming off the bench,” he disclosed to Sam Amick of The Athletic. I hope the coach continues to use him off the bench since I get to play with him. It’s my to give it to him. It’s his to pass back. That’s awesome because it’s probably one of my greatest dreams ever.”Durant seems to think highly of the new player on the block as well, even going so far as to declare that “you win the game, do whatever you want” in response to some theatrics from Edwards during his team’s previous season’s postseason elimination of the Suns.

Durant said that he was “so impressed man” before the two teamed up in Paris. I’m very impressed by him. my preferred player to observe. He’s really developed so much since joining the league, and his obvious love for basketball is one of the reasons I appreciate him the best. Enjoy every aspect of Ant’s existence.”The chemistry and passion for each other’s games that Durant and Edwards obviously have while sitting out for Team USA is evident to all, so let’s hope Booker is not the envious kind. Even worse, a trade that involves Durant for Karl-Anthony Towns benefits both parties monetarily even though the Suns are unable to make many moves because to their position in the second tier.

It will be some time before we have to worry about that, because players have never gravitated toward Minnesota. However, few 22-year-olds have ever succeeded Edwards, so you could argue that the Timberwolves are currently more qualified than the Suns to win the championship. Whoa.

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