The Best Monster Volleyball Blocks from the Italian League 2022/2023 Season

Serve off the net past well oh what an absolute monster blocked by Daniela Lavia to take set number one for trentino 25-17 that well taken from Brazil but even more well taken from rock music with a shutout block of your Romano oh great save from butterkey oh what a monster block oh Lawrence the touch oh what a block from China easy shut down labia who thought he was going to put that one away a break point but she bitching over

First time I’ve said that this season puts the icing on the cake piachenza are in business in the Super League at 25-12 they have just ripped the home side [Music] come over the home rolls it over the block picked up by Bruno then Rinaldi going on two she said he hadn’t gone on two as that ball gets blocked that point here take us to a fifth no gets blocked it’s two sets each it’s even sites him it’s a monster block and it’s a race to 15 for the win they give luani another go this time it’s Ronaldo stops in

Back-to-back blocks and that’s basically the set wizard oh my goodness me Robert Landy read the short ball Eminem oh my goodness the massive block melgarejo on fire substitution from Milano and he cannot be stopped just gonna be burning some patience so if he goes with that magnificent jump and he’s been ruked out of sight by Yuri Romano welcome to the Italian League he’s playing monster block in the middle Andrea Canela oh he’s come up with some big big

Door massive block out of a lead not the net tape turned at it this time so the checkup had options oh fix that a good one with bellasso called into action another block Zach said another block can’t find the floor though now to checko with options Sensational pad over three blocks the third one kills it shin and easy shut down stunning defense from Padova foreign rocking and rolling now for Perugia this was really tight

Another brilliant surprise on how did gajiti get that back shaposhka for keeping him play oh that wasn’t the easiest airport in sticky rice bro what a wonderful Block it’s another Wonder block chain and it’s ponetsky who’s not just been serving and spiking chanting all his name Perler layout richine gets dug by plotnitsky janelli sets it over deflected chance for Racine again but Simone chanelli makes up for it best mustache in all of Italy scores the block point on richine no it was a 0.4 Milano so on we go

Milano in front great defense at the back of Court he’s got a cross here brezar sends it high into the Stadium towards the floodlights now under control for Milan and they can’t find a way through Pierre chenza’s patience pays off morato monster block for Peter chanza and it was further brilliant can’t stay away just keeps coming back doesn’t he in his fourth spell with the club that’s a nice pass but again this blocking is just getting very very serious biglio running into trouble that’s it under pressure Romano tight


Can’t put it away chance here for moderna angerpet out of the back line they get a reuse Leo oh we’ve seen some tremendous play at the end of this fourth set and Romano is stuck out of sight by Mickey aletto what a block the young left Panda two meters in the first set of Verona so hope is not lost and it will continue to grow with big plays like that from Stephen mark over in the summer from Toronto not much on that serve at all but what about that what about that suddenly mods up defensively starting

Go to work yep that was outbound no Challenge from Modena right back to ingerpath good another beautiful dig it back Doug once again just cannot get going on the offensive end zappashkopf is also done and that is a huge bounce Black Rock Moses look at this young man go no chance of covering this and watch Mazda what a block oh that is enormous what a reed on the pipe attack oh that’s not good anyway made three in a row one point game again this time it’s Luby’s turn now after that little low

Ricardo’s from laurenzano off the support sir that’s a brilliant block was it she’s back in the game slaps that service the pass into Porto is good the block is better Bruno with a one-on-one levels the game the legendary prison float serve pickups good serve that they’re in system the block works the gunja smacks into Andrea Paula to lock it up here the Frenchman goes again kicker or they go to the line and they read the decoy move there from Verona modded it better pass from 18a

Romano off the hands this is the chance for Sienna to lead oh wow and what a time for Yuri Romano to come up with that block but it is slightly angled the ball

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