Brian Meyers wanted to adopt a dog, but workers at the rescue shelter in New Jersey warned him about the dog he had his eye on.
They said the dog didn’t like men, but Brian felt something was totally right about the German Shepherd and decided to adopt her.
When he got home, the dog, named Sadie, jumped up on his lap, put her arms around his neck, and covered him in kisses as if to say “thank you for rescuing me.”

A few months later the dog saved Brian’s life in the most amazing way. He suffered a stroke at home and collapsed on his bedroom floor. At that point, Sadie’s instincts kicked in and she became his “rescuer.”
She jumped off the bed, laid down next to him, licked his face, and even helped him move to the stairs so he could call for help.
“I thought maybe I could use her as a counterweight to get myself up off the floor, and I grabbed her collar to try to do so,” he shared.
“She somehow instinctively knew to help me by pulling her body weight and pulling me enough to give me the momentum to get myself out of the corner that I was stuck in.”

Recently, Brian was released from the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in Saddle Brook.
As doctors and nurses clapped outside the facility to cheer him on, someone very special was waiting to be reunited with her owner.
Sadie was there and once again, she put her paws on Brian’s neck and gave him lots of kisses.

“I’m very excited to see Sadie again,” he said. “Thank you to everyone, from the bottom of my heart. This place has been wonderful to me.”
Press play to see the tender reunion of Sadie and her best pal. We wish them both all the best!