The strange creature was discovered in Malaysia on May 3, then recorded the clip, shared on social networks and quickly attracted everyone’s attention. It is shaped like a ladybug, however, the size is not too large, the body is covered with white hair and walks on 6 legs.

Netizens claim that they have never seen such a strange animal. “What is it? I won’t touch that scary animal”, “Is it an alien creature?”, some people commented
This is not the first time people have discovered mysterious creatures. Just a few days before, a “spider pig” also surprised people in Thailand. It is actually a pig, but is born with eight legs
However, not being shunned like the six-legged creature above, the “spider pig” is considered a lucky creature, some even think it can help them win the lottery. Even when the animal died, it was soaked in a glass jar by the owner to worship.

View galleryThe piglet was the 13th in a litter born on a farm in rural Udon Thani province, north eastern Thailand on April 27

View galleryLocals believe the still born creature was sent to them to bring good luck – and hope it will lead to success on the lottery
They are now flocking to the owner’s house where the corpse has been pickled in a jar.
Residents were seen sitting cross-legged while praying to the dead pig and choosing their lottery numbers based on its features.
Owner Kanchana Supanich, 46, said the most popular number had been 13 – as the piglet was the 13th to be born to its mother, nicknamed Fat.

They are now flocking to the owner’s house where the corpse has been pickled in a jar
The number 38 had also been popular – because the pig has three ears and eight legs – while 28 was also seen as auspicious due to the animal’s two heads and eight legs.
Kanchana added: ‘The pig is lucky, I have never seen any animal born like this. It has eight legs, three ears and two heads.
‘It is a male pig, but was not breathing when he was born. People are using the numbers to gamble. I’m sure he will bring the village good fortune.’