The GOAT effect! Michael Jordan steals the show with his courtside charisma

While Michael Jordan may not have been the first to use aura in basketball, he certainly made it his own. His charisma and swagger on the court are well-known and need no introduction, but his enthusiasm off the court was equally remarkable. the link in my bio had a lot more

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As they face the 19-27 Atlanta Hawks on the road in the second game of a back-to-back pair of contests, your 24-24 Los Angeles Lakers will already be missing one All-Star.

Center Due to a left hip spasm and bilateral Achilles tendinopathy, Anthony Davis will not be able to play.

The game is scheduled to start at 4:30 p.m. PT, but LeBron James’ participation is still up in the air.

Coach Darvin Ham has said that the 6’9″ superstar is now in Atlanta for pregame preparation, according to Jovan Buha of The Athletic. According to Ham, his top оffensive option will “hopefully” play.

In 43 games while healthy with the Lakers, James has averaged 25 points, 7.7 assists, 7.4 rebounds, 1.3 steals, and 0.6 blocks per game. His slash line is.523/.399/.736, and he has also averaged 1.3 rebounds per game. Despite the 39-year-old’s availability, the Los Angeles Lakers’ offense has struggled to score from beyond the arc this season.

Due in large part to the fact that Los Angeles’ оffensive rating of 113.8 places them in the uninspiring 20th spot in the league, James’ influence has not been as profound as it would have been during his prime. However, the Lakers would have almost no chance against the explosive Hawks offense, spearheaded by the legendary Trae Young, if he sat out.

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