The Golden State Warriors and Brooklyn Nets have an intriguing rivalry

The Golden State Warriors and Brooklyn Nets have an intriguing rivalry

Early on in his career, Seth Curry was known simply as Steph Curry’s brother. Signed by the Golden State Warriors as an undrafted free agent in 2013, Seth played six preseason games before being waived by the team ahead of the regular season. Playing on several different teams early in his career, trying to stick around in the league, Seth finally made a name for himself with the Sacramento Kings in 2016. Shooting 45% from deep in 44 games for Sacramento in the 2015-16 season, Seth Curry began to establish himself as a valuable NBA player, rather than just Steph’s brother.


Because the sample size was relatively small during that 2015-16 season, Seth Curry still had to prove himself as a useful rotational player in the NBA. His first full season of regular rotation minutes came that next season with the Dallas Mavericks, where he appeared in 70 games, and shot 42.5% from deep. The sharpshooting Curry brother hasn’t looked back since, establishing himself as not only one of the best shooters in the league, but one of the most accurate snipers of all-time.


Amongst all qualifying three-point shooters, Seth Curry ranks 3rd in NBA history at just under 44% from downtown. No longer seen as just Steph’s brother, Seth is now an integral part of the Brooklyn Nets, having been dealt from the Philadelphia 76ers in the James Harden trade. With Brooklyn’s aspirations being focused on an NBA championship this season, there is a chance they would have to go through Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors in the Finals to get there. On this possibility, and the individual matchup between him and Steph, Seth Curry sat down with Draymond Green for a fascinating podcast episode.


When discussing their potential NBA Finals matchup this summer, Draymond told Seth, “This is one of the one guys in this league, that I can honestly say – and if we play in the NBA Finals I may have to lay you out because of this – but this is one of the one guys in the league, Steph don’t kill me for this, that get the better of Steph. I don’t know, ya’ll go watch the match ups… This the one guy we be playing against… he come get the better of Steph and I don’t like it.”


While Draymond didn’t want to upset Steph with this assertion, it is actually in line with something Steph himself recently said. During a segment for GQ Sports, where he went undercover online to answer questions from fans, Curry was asked who plays the best defense against him. After acknowledging that it was a good question, Steph said, “Honestly, my brother, because he knows my game so well. And there’s always that vibe of him disarming me while I’m out there. I feel like I’m so proud to see my brother out there on the court, that I kinda get lost in that moment.”

If the Golden State Warriors and Brooklyn Nets do indeed face off in the NBA Finals, the Curry vs. Curry match up should be fascinating.

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