The Top 20 Women’s Volleyball Spikes That Redefined the Game

11 points so far for rozanski oh new with the angle the boom but we are used to seeing no and love oh it’s done in style a massive swing from Ganesh and turkey a had beaten Thailand by three sets to one and turkey a will be playing Serbia just bringing so much heat oh my God it’s like Gabby’s jumped up onto an invisible box and it stood on it and then she hits it no she’s on a trampoline you didn’t know she has trampoline shoes trampoline shoes yeah on Space shoes that that was a thing.

There was a there was a company and I don’t know which one Cannon Belgium showing that they can run the same play Japan just ran with Koga but this time it’s herbots getting the kill off this 40 the back row back quick driving it down the seamyeah let’s have melt that one so much heat you can see a good pass it was by she’s been setting Aaron behind so much at that time three kings serving now will have a busy night running around setting as well Dean hammers it that’s a very creative play run.

Turkey a there balladin coming out of the middle backish area between middle back and right back for that big attack oh my goodness me what a swing for me that’s a warm-up hit. Comes the Boom indeed from Mia Reed thank you that’s the five-point lead there’s just no absolutely no chance at all for the wing blockers to come in and help out they’re all being spread by the movement of the other players oh but the response we’ve seen that a few times her boxes hit the big winner for Belgium.

The response from Ophelia malinov is to bring the whackalore into the game this time out of the pie position that is spectacular well it’s a bit of a divided opinion about whether Oro should start but malinov should start for Italy but once you can play like that there’s no question for as to why she’s been chosen that’s a lovely swing from Gabby but in Italy had the advantage of two different type of Setters you have the small enough better blocker very good jump serve very strong second hand maybe.

The setting quality a bit less and you Mighty oh Watch Out Below depth in the floor and dropping a bomb is Jordan Thompson wow that is a fast heart attack look how quick it is that’s the timing they’ve been working on looking for it right between the Defenders legs really nice set by libero hence being aggressive getting their hitter a nice look at it well that was a getting a nice look at that one as well was rosinski did kosk has come on to court for Ireland but at the moment’s not had anything to do.

That’s a wonderful swing really nice swing really nice set it is hard simple stuff really like an episode of soap oh now that that is a proper swing from Wang Yuan Yuan but but how’s the ability to come on and to shop Perfection the first time she had that space from the net to really go through the ball serve for career here done a nice job with that I’ve got an even better finish nice bit of setting from the outlet New to uh release Wang and that takes us to set point There She Goes Again dominance no challenge called.

So Italy’s gonna serve again it’s Otto this time it’s better your Donovan goes strong through the block he was hoping there was a touch on the one before but they didn’t call it but no need for a challenge that time she so I’m looking for her to get more involved continues to serve down the line and that’s just a comfortable take once again for the middle blocker I think that was her Tire on that Far Side just picking that one up yeah he’s not happy he’s not happy they’ve got wins against Serbia.


Just took off boy oh boy that was a hit I was like yeah hey I’m standing here I’m waiting nobody’s passing it to me so I’ll take it oh that’s a hit great reception oh wow beautifully done that’s an incredible angle two blockers look at that external rotation wrist shoulder and then finishes in that direction oh that’s beautiful heavy hands super Spike no blocker inside two blockers but a big space whatever metaphor you want to throw in there between the setter and the middle Blocker on the other side.

Oh wow lovely work by Italy Otto did not have a chance a snowflakes chance in a hot place of getting that set but she did it sometimes I miss hits are harder to dig than clean swings Micah with a great set another big hit that’s coming in hot so too is that leading Ying with some air time that she went wheels up from downtown this is so fun to watch too the biggest hitters in the world yin yang coming in responding well the plumbers hit and says hey I’m working really well There She is again just effective not doing anything too.

Flashy just up and available and avoiding them to their combination we’ll see if they do yeah that’s some pickup there from pimpichire as well I think the chai will swing through here straight into the block we’ll have another go the block contains once again de Gennaro gets underneath it Oro sends it around the backside and Christina kirikella rips it down the line once again Italy just so smooth on the offense and kitty Keller I I want to say that her favorite is to go cross but yesterday against Bulgaria the coach was.

Telling them to take away the cross she’s perfectly comfortable going down almost flutes and ice the park says well I’m gonna Cross Court that one but uh runs into nephe fan and then Lee is denied that is a tremendous dig from Han dahier that it’s free ball China running attack yeah you wants anyway as soon as she takes off again you know what’s coming you just can’t stop it there she goes telegraphs it early everybody can see what’s coming yet really comes in fast oh that is a great offense.

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