The Ultimate Bachelor Pad: A Look at Cristiano Ronaldo’s $21 Million Villa and Its Incredible Amenities

Cristiano Ronaldo may part with the most expensive villa he owns in Madrid after joining Juventus.

According to The Sun (UK) newspaper, Cristiano Ronaldo is likely to prepare to sell his mansion worth 6.3 million USD (about 145 billion VND) in Madrid (Spain) to move to Turin. (Italy) after being transferred by Real Madrid to Juventus.

CR7’s villa is located in the upscale neighborhood of La Finca, in Madrid’s Pozuelo de Alarcón urban area. It is also home to famous personalities like Zinedine Zidane or Gareth Bale. This area is very effective against paparazzi with security cameras all the way, the villa fence is 2.4 meters high.

The villa has 7 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, many function rooms with a total area of ​​about 900 square meters. Currently, Ronaldo is living here with his girlfriend, supermodel Georgina Rodriguez and four children: Cristiano Ronaldo Jr, Alana Martina, Mateo Ronaldo and Eva.

The villa was designed by famous architect Joaquin Torres and decorated with many personal touches of Ronaldo. In the photo is the moment he took by the door with the handle engraved with his initials.

The villa has many entertainment rooms, children’s playroom and a large dining room. This is also one of CR7’s favorite places in the house. He eats most of his meals at his home, prepared by his team of chefs, which he describes as “unbelievably delicious”.

The player is very passionate about displaying personal and family photos throughout the house, from the living room, dining room to the bedroom. He also has his name printed on the blanket and has a room dedicated to displaying trophies and medals.

The gym in the villa is quite modern with all the necessary equipment for CR7 to practice, maintain shape and health.

The villa has two pools, one outdoor and one indoor, with heated water. The outdoor swimming pool is located right in front of the house.

Beneath the villa is an underground floor for CR7 to keep a collection of supercars. He has been seen driving Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Bugattis out of the gate.

Not only that, the villa also has a quite large garden with a mini football field and sunbathing area. On his personal Instagram with more than 136 million followers, this player often shares pictures of sunbathing at home.

In 2009, when joining Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo also sold his mansion in Manchester (England) to buy a villa in Madrid.

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