Tough Love & Hard Work: Jayson Tatum Opens Up 2

Justin was a basketball star


Jayson pursued a career as an NBA superstar in the same vein as his father. Larry Hughes, a former NBA great, and Justin both played basketball at Christian Brothers College high school. He continued playing basketball in college at Saint Louis University while juggling parenting and his budding athletic career.

After graduating from college, Justin spent three years playing professionally in the Netherlands, where Brandy would accompany Jayson to see his father. Being away from his son for 10 months of the year while living in the Netherlands, according to Justin, was “tough.” During his free time while abroad, he assisted in coaching youth teams, a skill set he brought back to the United States as he switched from playing to coaching.

After his professional career came to an end, he accepted a post at Soldan International Studies High School before returning to his alma mater, Christian Brothers College, as an assistant basketball coach for the 2006–2007 season. According to his website, Justin subsequently became the head coach at his alma mater, where he has served for more than 10 continuous seasons. In order to provide kids an opportunity to learn basketball and develop new connections, he has also held youth camps for more than ten years.

Justin was Jayson’s coach, which affected their relationship

As Jayson grew older, his father served as his trainer and coach to assist him fulfill his aspiration of being a professional basketball player. The Celtics player claimed that his parents, especially his father, “were extremely tough” on him and that neither “took it easy” with him. Jayson was open and honest in his conversation with Graham Bensinger in October 2022 about how his father’s coaching “put a strain” on their relationship.

He said, “I feel like I missed a father-son relationship. “My dad and I just ever went to games, practices, and barbershops. We skipped the theme parks. Because it was only basketball, we didn’t go on any picnics, go fishing, or truly have father-son conversations.

In front of his friends, Jayson claimed that his father would frequently curse at him, humiliate him, and even throw the ball at him. He said, “He wanted me to be the toughest in his eyes. He wished for me to excel.

And that was how he operated; he believed that if he agitated me, I would perform better, which, in a sense, I did. “I’d become quite upset. I would play better when I was furious.

Jayson attributes his current success to Justin’s tough love, despite the tumultuous connection they shared as children. He went on to say, “He was so tough on me, which I appreciate, because I wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t.”

Since then, Jayson and his father have become very close, and their relationship has been repaired.

Brandy is an attorney


Brandy has a number of degrees under her belt, including a law degree she obtained in 2010. Jayson would frequently study with her when she was in law school, flipping through some of her textbooks.

She recounted a day when he said he didn’t want to study “these kind of books” and that all he wanted to do was play basketball, to which she responded, “Well, you better work really hard.” She recalled this when speaking to Bleacher Report.

Justin has two other children


Jayson is Justin’s only kid, although he also has a son named Jaycob and a daughter named Kayden. Jaycob attended Christian Brothers College, his father’s alma mater, for high school and played football there. The squad won two state championships while he was on it. The website of his father states that he is currently a football player at Western Illinois University.

Jayson celebrated Brandy’s marriage in 2016


According to the Boston Herald, Brandy married Marcus “Jake” Barnes in 2016, who had previously served as a counselor at the Reebok All-American Camp. To commemorate the event, Jayson posted many images from the Bahamas wedding to Instagram. He appears in a photo with the bride and groom, who are both wearing all-white attire. “She’s now married! I’m glad for you, Mom! He captioned the photo, “Love ya both.

He can be seen kissing his mother on the cheek in another picture. “Momma’s boy till the end!” he said beneath the adorable photo. I’m overjoyed for for ather.

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