Tough Love & Hard Work: Jayson Tatum Opens Up 3

Brandy ensured Jayson was a good student


Brandy always stressed to her son the value of keeping up strong grades and pursuing a higher education. Brandy remarked on how she managed to balance her son’s passion to basketball with his academics in an interview with Sentinel & Enterprise.


She stated of her kid, “One time I had to call his bluff, because I would always tell him that we don’t do C’s.” “Because I knew what he was capable of, it was B’s and above. He always performed well, but once he tried to trick me, and I had to keep him from going to a tournament. He almost died from it. Fourth or fifth grade, perhaps. He nearly lost it, but after that, he realized I meant business.

Jayson only spent one year at Duke University before being selected in the NBA, but Brandy’s one goal is for him to complete his education.


“That means a lot to me. Many Duke students return to complete their degrees. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, I told him. He knows how much I’ve worked, Brandy remarked in an ESPN interview.

Brandy knew Jayson was talented since elementary school

In an interview with Today, Brandy said that she had foreseen Jayson’s NBA aspirations by the time he was in the fourth grade.


“I knew he was gifted — he would do things and make moves and that you just couldn’t teach,” she remarked. It seems to be something he was born with.

To ensure that she was still encouraging him to do his best while also allowing him to be a kid, Brandy took sure to set boundaries with herself.

“They must desire it more than we do. The important thing is that, she said. “And I believe that occasionally we want to push them harder. I would say to him, “Listen, I will give you every opportunity, every resource, I’ll do whatever it takes, but you have to do your part. ” That was the line for me.

They are grandparents

Jayson “Deuce” Christopher Tatum Jr., to whom he is a proud father, is a young man. Deuce was born on December 6, 2017, when the NBA player and his ex-girlfriend, Toriah Lachell, were both 19 years old. Six months after he was chosen as the third selection in the NBA draft, his son was born.

During her interview with Today, Brandy referred to her grandson as a “blessing in every way,” and she continued, “To get to see Jayson in a different light, you know, in a different capacity, and see that something that I never thought possible would bring him more joy than basketball — I think Deuce puts everything in perspective for him.”

The Boston Celtics player has also stated that he draws parenting lessons from his own background. He noted in an interview with Bensinger in October 2022: “When I was growing up, even when I was a kid, I always saw my friends with their dad and how their relationship was bigger than basketball and sports and how they were closer.”

He said, “I always stated I wanted to have a kid. And I said, “And I was like, if I ever have a son, I’m going to make sure that we are best friends because I wanted what I didn’t have, in a sense.”

Justin supported Jayson at the 2023 All-Stars Game

Jayson, who was a member of Giannis Antetokounmpo’s victorious team, was one of the NBA players chosen for the 2023 All-Star Game. He set a game-high with 55 points scored, and the NBA awarded him the Kobe Bryant Trophy for winning the contest.

After the game, Justin, who was present for the historic occasion, posted on Instagram to congratulate his son on his accomplishment. “Seeing your child achieve their ambition… Is priceless,” he commented next to a picture of Jayson and him receiving the MVP trophy. “My boy @jaytatum0 wins All-Star MVP. He scored 55 points, which is a record for an All-Star. LOVE Chump, also known as Big Deuce.

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