Training for Greatness: Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo’s Dedication in Brazil!

Together in Brazil, Vinicius, Camavinga, Militao, and Rodrygo are getting ready to enter the preseason in peak shape. Beginning on July 20, three soccer players from Brazil and one from France will travel with the White Team to the United States, and they want to be at their best when they arrive for the opening friendlies.

The white squad has essentially finished the first week of practice since Real Madrid’s preseason got underway on Monday, July 10. In Valdebebas, the ball has been the focus but there has also been a lot of physical effort.

Lunin, Fran Garca, and Arda Güler arrived early for Real Madrid’s preseason. The remainder of the foreigners will arrive on July 20 solely for the American tour. The three Brazilian athletes will at first be added right into the American tour along with Camavinga, who is already in Brazil.

The four athletes, Vinicius, Rodrygo, Militao, and Camavinga, have documented their time spent training together in Brazil on social media while donning “Vini 20” jerseys and using the former’s facilities. Throughout their vacation, the four are exhibiting their friendship, teamwork, and dedication to the club by working hard to get in shape for the preseason.

Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil


Vini Jr., Milito, Camavinga, and Rodrygo working hard together in Brazil

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