Untold facts about Maria Sharapova off the TV screen


No surrender, no grudge When talking about Sharapova, people often immediately remember the beauty of the tennis player who is considered a beauty queen, of the image of the blonde girl on the podium of the Wimbledon tennis tournament at the age of 17. or about the deafening screams on the field. However, there are many more special impressions about Sharapova, impressions that cannot be seen through the television screen. Having been with Sharapova since 2013 as a physiotherapist, Jerome Bianchi understands Sharapova’s “hidden corners” better than anyone. Bianchi shared those impressions in L’Equipe.

Bianchi first talked about Sharapova after she was banned for 15 months for testing positive for the banned substance meldonium in early 2016: “Sharapova told us: I don’t want to end up like that. That’s not my picture. We will work together for a different image of me.


Sharapova determined not to surrender to fate. She never gives up. At Sharapova’s request, we created a training program with many different activities so that she can both maintain her physical strength and keep her fighting spirit. She practices boxing, she practices cycling with world record holder swimmer Ariana Kukors. Then she even practiced running alone – something she had never done before.”

Sharapova is self-aware and diligent in her practice. All for the goal of coming back strong after the suspension expires. Bianchi continued: “She did everything not because she wanted to get revenge on someone, not because she wanted to open everyone’s eyes. There is no rancor here. Simply because Sharapova misses tennis so much, misses the court so much. She longs to hold a racket and play again. With the highest spirit and best performance.”

Cold but hot Regarding Sharapova’s personality, Bianchi commented: “How should I put it, Sharapova is both cold and hot at the same time. Between Sharapova at home and Sharapova appearing before everyone are two different images. It feels like Sharapova is a bit hidden, a bit kept to herself.

At home, she smiles a lot, jokes a lot, loves to dance, loves food, and loves to sing karaoke. Basically, she is extremely comfortable and sociable. But when she stepped onto the field, she was like a different person. Sharapova limits contact and communication with people around her. Compared to other tennis players, Sharapova’s time on the court is much less.

One time I told her: Maria, try greeting people more carefully. This only benefits her image. Sharapova replied: I can’t. If I try to be friendly with the players on the court, I will feel uncomfortable playing with them. With moderate communication like I’m used to, I feel more motivated when competing.”

"According to

No matter how cold she is on the court, Sharapova is just as warm when she is with her family. “Sharapova once invited my whole family to her house for Christmas,” Bianchi said. She is very friendly with my children.

It can be said that Sharapova is a family type. There are two people in whom Sharapova puts her entire, unconditional trust. Those are her parents. For Sharapova, trust is the most important factor in relationships. Sharapova is always devoted to those who win her trust.”

Bianchi also revealed that Sharapova likes to travel, explore the world, and like to experience new cultures. She especially enjoys traveling with her mother and close friends.

In addition, Sharapova is also very “bookish”. She diligently read books and searched for documents on the internet. She especially likes to learn about characters with “weird” backgrounds.

And one more impression, Bianchi never forgot. Sharapova always goes to practice with 100% focus and determination. She always practices with the same spirit as a real fight.

Sharapova Golden TableIn 19 years of professional competition (from 2001 to 2020), Sharapova has achieved a lot of success. She won Wimbledon in 2004 when she was just 17 years old. She is one of the few players to have collected all four Grand Slam titles including Australian Open (2008), French Open (2012, 2014), Wimbledon (2004) and US Open (2006). She climbed to world number 1 in August 2005. Sharapova won a total prize money of up to 38.7 million USD.

Sharapova’s emotional farewell letter

“How can I leave behind the only life I’ve ever had? How can I walk away from the courts where I have practiced since I was just a little girl, from the playground I love, the place that brought me tears and endless joy? Can I put it into words, walking away from the sport where I found my family, along with the fans who have stood by me for over 28 years?

I’m not used to it yet, please forgive me. Tennis – I say goodbye…”

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