Unveiling the Top 10 Women’s Volleyball Players from Wisconsin in 2023

As the world of volleyball evolves, the state of Wisconsin continues to produce some of the most talented players in the sport. With the 2023 season on the horizon, we take a look at some of the most promising Wisconsin volleyball players who are set to make waves in the coming years.

Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023: An Insightful Look at the University of Wisconsin Women’s Volleyball Players Team

1. Anna Smrek

Position: Middle Blocker/Right Side Hitter
Height: 6’9”
Class: Sophomore
Hometown: Welland, Ontario
Highschool: Notre Dame College School
Instagram: @annasmrek

2. Sarah Franklin

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Outside Hitter
Height: 6’4″
Class: Redshirt Sophomore
Hometown: Lake Worth, Fla.
Highschool: Lake Worth Christian
Instagram: sarah.franklin13

3. Caroline Crawford

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Middle Blocker
Height: 6’3″
Class: Junior
Hometown: Lansing, Kan.
Highschool: Lansing
Instagram: caroline.crawford

4. Izzy Ashburn

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Setter
Height: 5’11”
Class: Graduate Student
Hometown: Dayton, Minn.
Highschool: Champlin Park
Instagram: @izzyashburn

5. Joslyn Boyer

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Libero/Defensive Specialist
Height: 5’6″
Class: Senior
Hometown: Downers Grove, Ill.
Highschool: Montini Catholic
Instagram: @joslynboyer_

6. Sydney Reed

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Libero/Defensive Specialist
Height: 5’6”
Class: Junior
Hometown: Glenelg, Md.
Highschool: Flint Hill
Instagram: @sydneyjreed

7. MJ Hammill

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Setter
Height: 6’2”
Class: Junior
Hometown: Greenwood, Ind.
Highschool: Center Grove
Instagram: @mj.hammy

8. Carter Booth

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Middle Blocker
Height: 6’7”
Class: Freshman
Hometown: Denver, Colo.
Highschool: Cherry Creek

9. Gulce Guctekin

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Libero/Defensive Specialist
Height: 5’5”
Class: Freshman
Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey
Highschool: KadikoyPrivate Atacan
Instagram: gg3tkn

10. Ella Wrobel

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Position: Outside Hitter
Height: 6’4”
Class: Freshman
Hometown: Plainfield, Ill.
Highschool: Plainfield North
Instagram: @ellawrobel

These are just a few of the many talented volleyball players from Wisconsin who are sure to make an impact in the coming years. Whether they are competing at the high school or college level, these players have the skills, athleticism, and drive to succeed in the sport they love. (Ranking source)

How old are the Wisconsin volleyball players?

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm

Wisconsin is home to some of the best volleyball players in the country. These athletes are known for their incredible skill and dedication to the sport. However, one question that often comes up when talking about Wisconsin volleyball players is how old they are. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the age of Wisconsin volleyball players and what it means for the sport.

Age Range of Wisconsin Volleyball Players

The age range of Wisconsin volleyball players varies depending on the level of play. At the high school level, players are typically between 14 and 18 years old. At the collegiate level, players are usually between 18 and 22 years old. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, some players may choose to take a gap year before starting college, which could put them in the 19-23 age range.

The age range of professional volleyball players in Wisconsin is even broader. While most players start their professional careers in their early 20s, it’s not uncommon to see players in their 30s and 40s competing at a high level. In fact, some of the best professional volleyball players in Wisconsin are in their 40s and are still going strong.

Why Age Matters in Volleyball

Age is an important factor in volleyball because it can affect a player’s physical abilities. As athletes get older, their bodies may not be able to perform at the same level as they did when they were younger. This is especially true for athletes who rely on their speed and agility, which can decline with age.

However, age isn’t the only factor that determines a player’s abilities. Many other factors, such as training, nutrition, and injury history, can also affect a player’s performance. This means that older players can still be highly competitive if they take care of their bodies and train effectively.

The Importance of Experience in Volleyball

While age can play a role in volleyball, experience is also a critical factor. Players who have been playing the sport for many years often have a better understanding of the game and can anticipate their opponent’s moves. This gives them a significant advantage on the court, even if they are not as physically gifted as their younger counterparts.

Experience also plays a crucial role in leadership on the court. Older players are often looked up to by their younger teammates and can provide guidance and mentorship both on and off the court.

Top 10 Female Wisconsin Volleyball Players 2023 | SportsXm


In conclusion, the age range of Wisconsin volleyball players varies depending on the level of play, but it’s not uncommon to see players in their 30s and 40s competing at a high level. While age can play a role in a player’s abilities, it’s not the only factor that determines success on the court.

Experience, training, and other factors also play critical roles in a player’s performance. Ultimately, Wisconsin volleyball players are known for their skill, dedication, and passion for the sport, regardless of their age.

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