Why Austin Reaves’ Endorsement Deal with TravisMathew is the Talk of the Town

Austin Reaves may be known for his basketball prowess, but he’s also showcased a remarkable talent for golf. Growing up in Arkansas, a state rich in hidden golf gems and home to the iconic John Daly, Reaves has been passionate about the sport his entire life.

Since signing a four-year, $54 million deal with the Lakers, Reaves has taken the opportunity to explore some of the nation’s premier golf courses, including the Angeles National Golf Club in Los Angeles. For Reaves, it’s not just about playing on prestigious courses; he simply enjoys having a golf club in his hands whenever he can.

In addition to his on-court skills, Reaves is known for his down-to-earth demeanor. He abstains from drinking and smoking, and you won’t find him frequenting nightclubs. Instead, he prefers spending his time gaming with friends, engaging in physical or mental challenges, and even playing chess, as noted by his best friend Trent Swaim.Austin Reaves tees it up in Korn Ferry Tour qualifier

Last year, Reaves and Swaim decided to share their golf adventures on TikTok, creating the @HillbillyBogey page. Initially, their videos were low-fi and playful, capturing their summer golf outings with a touch of humor. Despite a slow start and some pre-filmed content due to Reaves’ Team USA commitments, their content eventually caught fire.image

As Reaves’ popularity grew, so did the success of the Hillbilly Bogey page. Videos showcasing Reaves’ golf skills, like his impressive backward lefty shot at Topgolf, went viral. This surge in visibility led to collaborations with prominent golf influencers such as Garrett Clark from Good Good Golf.

The increased attention also attracted brand deals. While Reaves already has his own basketball shoe, he’s now catching the eye of golf-centric brands. TravisMathew, a respected name in golf apparel, has secured a partnership with him, marking a significant step in his golfing journey.Austin Reaves is golf-obsessed. Shop his latest on-course gear

Reaves’ move to Los Angeles with Swaim has only expanded their social media presence, and their collaborations promise more exciting content. With his growing influence, it’s likely we’ll see Reaves in more celebrity golf tournaments and brand endorsements in the future.

To stay updated on Reaves’ golf adventures and other activities, follow him on Instagram or check out the @HillbillyBogey accounts. You can also watch their latest YouTube video featuring a fun 6-hole scramble with Ben Baller.

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